Major Democrat caught in massive money fraud scheme

Nse Ufot

Democrats play the blame game to deflect from their own scandals. But they’ve been caught red-handed.

Because this major Democrat’s been caught in a massive money fraud scheme.

There is a lot of uncertainty regarding where some of the funds in Stacey Abrams’ “New Georgia Project” went, claims a recent report.

According to Paul Kamenar, attorney for the ethics watchdog organization National Legal and Policy Center, the project’s annual filings “raise serious questions that warrant a full investigation by both the IRS and Georgia enforcement authorities,” according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The Free Beacon looked at the federal Form 990 that significant not-for-profits were required to submit to the Federal Revenue Service in order to explain where their funding originated and went.

According to the “New Georgia Project’s” 2021 form, the organization granted a gift of $67,500 and paid the Black Male Initiative, another non-profit, $533,846 for consultancy services.

Nevertheless, when the 2021 Black Male Initiative form is read, there isn’t a reference of that sum of money from the “New Georgia Project” in sight.

Alan Dye, a nonprofit lawyer, said: “This is something that the Internal Revenue Service should be interested in, particularly with the added element of the former officer possibly pocketing the money.”

Dye continued, “Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark,” noting that making a false declaration to the government is illegal.

Dye is alluding to the “New Georgia Project’s” decision to fire former CEO Nse Ufot, whose brother Edima Ufot is the head of the Black Male Initiative and a former project employee.

The tax documents for the project contain further anomalies besides the payments. Despite employing 173 people, the organization said in its 2020 Form 990 filing that it made no payroll tax payments.

“I have no idea how a charity can have 173 paid employees and pay no payroll taxes. It’s just not possible. I can’t answer that question. There should be no excuse for that,” according to Dye.

In addition, the forms provide a perplexing image of who is producing what.

According to the 2021 form, 105 employees received compensation of $5,671,892 in 2021.

According to the 2021 form, it paid $19,142,227 for 173 persons in 2020. Salary information for 2020 forms was $1,914,227. Which figure is accurate is not obvious.

According to the 2021 filing, the former CEO Nse Ufot was the sole employee who received a six-figure compensation in 2021, while the Free Beacon cited an unnamed “former high ranking New Georgia Project executive” who claimed that two other employees also made six figures.

According to Scott Walter, head of the Capital Research Center, a charity watchdog organization, “such a bizarre discrepancy is highly unusual and certainly cause to question the merits of the accountant.”

“In a proper accounting firm, at least two or three people would have had to examine the return before sending it to the group, and no such wild error should have been missed,” he said.

The compensation amounts, according to accountant George Lynch, “are definitely suspicious.”

According to Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of the charity watchdog Americans for Public Trust, “New Georgia Project’s recent tax returns leave so many questions, it’s difficult to know where to even begin trying to understand these important documents.”

According to the Washington Free Beacon, 16 states have taken similar steps because of worries about the group’s finances. Last month, Washington prohibited the group from raising money there.

Stay tuned to the Federalist Wire.