Contact Us

Welcome to The Federalist Wire. We’re glad to have you here! Our team delivers dependable news excellence, covering politics and the economy for readers like you.

The Stories We Cover

You’ll notice that we primarily cover political and economic stories. Through our categories focused on Politics and the Economy, we publish straightforward news that keeps you abreast of important updates. We regularly strive to capture impactful news happenings so we can share them with you in a timely way.

The Federalist Wire’s Mission

We’re on a mission to deliver trustworthy news that’s both to-the-point and easy to understand. On a regular basis, we share reports that matter to citizens who want to know more about the political and economic landscape. Whether a story originates from the US or overseas, we’ll strive to report updates that impact the average American.

We Appreciate Our Readers

These days, it takes courage to seek out news that doesn’t repeat an agenda-driven narrative. We appreciate your persistence in uncovering news sources that stand outside the mainstream. That’s what we work to be.

We celebrate your ability to be proactive, and to seek out news beyond the norm. Without you, we wouldn’t be here. So we’ll work every day to ensure we’re providing you with quality news that helps you stay up-to-date.

Contact Us

Have a lead on a great story? Want to share your thoughts about current happenings in politics or the economy? Just want to give our team a virtual high-five? You can email us directly at contact(at) We’d love to hear from you.


DBA Paramount Communication

525-K East Market Street # 114
City: Leesburg
State: Virginia
Zip Code: 20176

Contact Phone: 703-673-7134
Contact Email: [email protected]