Biden used one word to describe Donald Trump that will leave you red with rage

joe biden

Joe Biden cannot stand the former president. That’s why he’s not holding back in his latest attack on Trump.

And Biden used this one word to describe Donald Trump that will leave you red with rage.

In a significant political exchange, President Joe Biden has openly aligned with former White House chief of staff John Kelly, who stated that former President Donald Trump fits the description of a “fascist.”

The White House made its position clear during a press briefing on Wednesday, where press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre cited both Biden’s and Kelly’s concerns about the threat Trump poses to democratic values.

“You have heard from this president over and over again about the threats to democracy,” Jean-Pierre emphasized, pointing to Trump’s own words. “You have heard from the former president himself, saying that he is going to be a dictator on day one. This is him, not us.”

Jean-Pierre also referenced remarks by Vice President Kamala Harris earlier in the day, which called attention to Trump’s actions surrounding the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

When asked if Biden shared Kelly’s assessment, Jean-Pierre responded affirmatively: “Do we agree about that determination? Yes, we do,” she said.

Biden has not shied away from expressing concerns about Trump’s political ideology, previously labeling it as “semi-fascism.”

The White House press secretary confirmed that Biden was “aware” of Kelly’s remarks and unsurprised by them. She added, “He believes in our institutions. He believes this will be a free and fair election.”

Kelly, who served as Trump’s chief of staff from 2017 to 2019, made waves earlier this week by telling the New York Times that Trump “certainly falls into the general definition of fascist.”

Kelly recalled that Trump once claimed Adolf Hitler “did some good things.” The retired Marine Corps general elaborated on his views of Trump’s political mindset, defining fascism as a far-right authoritarian movement driven by a dictatorial leader, militarism, and suppression of opposition.

His interview came on the heels of a The Atlantic story that revealed Trump allegedly once stated, “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had.” However, Trump’s campaign has firmly denied these accounts, branding Kelly as afflicted with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

“John Kelly has totally beclowned himself with these debunked stories he has fabricated because he failed to serve his president well while working as chief of staff,” Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung stated to the Washington Examiner.

Vice President Harris, meanwhile, delivered an impromptu speech on Wednesday that further attacked the former president.

Describing him as “increasingly unhinged and unstable,” Harris condemned Trump’s invocation of Adolf Hitler, remarking that his statements were “deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous.”

She falsely added that Trump would have fewer restrictions in a second term and would be able to act like a dictator. Harris must have forgotten about the Constitution which limits the power a president can have.

She also had to have forgotten that Trump did not act like a dictator in his first term as president.

But at this point, these baseless attack are all the radical Left have in their effort to defeat Donald Trump in the general election.

It’s obvious that they are getting desperate, which is why they’re resorting to the “Trump is Hitler” tactic. That didn’t work in 2016 when Donald Trump won the presidency, and it’s likely not going to work this time either.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.