FBI agent arrest causes Washington, D.C. to explode

jonathan buma FBI

The Deep State is squirming. Their day in the sun is well over now.

And this FBI agent’s arrest has caused Washington, D.C. to explode in chaos.

FBI Agent Making Up Lies About Trump Ally Giuliani Gets Arrested

The arrest of FBI agent Johnathan Buma at JFK Airport on March 17, 2025, exposes the rot at the core of the bureau and the so-called “deep state” that has long shielded its own while targeting political adversaries. Buma, a 15-year veteran who handled confidential human sources (CHSs), now faces charges for illegally disclosing classified information—information that could have unraveled the FBI’s carefully curated narratives around figures like Rudy Giuliani and Hunter Biden. His arrest isn’t just a crack in the façade; it’s a glaring sign of an agency that’s lost its way, consumed by politicization and self-preservation.

Buma’s story begins with his claims that the FBI stifled his efforts to investigate Giuliani, a key Trump ally, for potential Russian ties—allegations that conveniently align with the Democrats’ playbook during Trump’s first term. He also staunchly defended the FBI’s handling of Hunter Biden’s case, insisting it wasn’t “slow-played,” despite mounting evidence to the contrary. His arrest, however, paints a different picture: a rogue agent caught with his hand in the cookie jar, printing over 130 sensitive files from the FBI’s Los Angeles field office on October 27, 2023, just before fleeing the scene and emailing his supervisors about taking unpaid leave.

The affidavit against him is damning. “Buma printed approximately 130 files from the FBI’s internal network, several of which summarized information provided to the FBI by CHSs, some of which was clearly marked with warnings that made clear that the information was to be protected,” it states.

Among these were eight reports tied to a foreign adversary and another eight linked to CHS intel from 2021 and 2022. He didn’t stop there—Buma also printed screenshots of encrypted messages with an FBI source and excerpts from a book draft he later posted online, spilling secrets about a foreign country’s WMD program. This wasn’t whistleblowing; it was a reckless breach of trust, one the FBI couldn’t ignore after raiding his home weeks later on November 13, 2023, only to find the documents missing.

Yet Buma’s actions can’t be viewed in isolation. They point to a deeper sickness within the FBI and the broader intelligence community—a system that’s spent years covering its tracks while pushing politically charged agendas. Take Hunter Biden’s laptop, verified by the FBI as authentic in November 2019, nearly a year before the New York Post broke the story in October 2020. What did the deep state do?

Fifty-one former intelligence officials, spurred by then-future Secretary of State Antony Blinken and ex-CIA chief Michael Morell, penned a letter dismissing it as Russian disinformation—a lie crafted to arm Joe Biden with a debate soundbite against Trump. The IRS whistleblowers later confirmed the FBI knew the truth all along, exposing the letter as a shameless ploy.

Buma’s own words reveal his complicity in this machine. In a statement to the GOP-led House Select Committee on the Weaponization of Government, published by Mother Jones on April 20, 2023, he boasted, “Through my work as the primary case agent, recruiter, and handler of some of the most prolific and sensitive informants in the FBI, I became one of the top Agents working Russia/Ukraine matters specifically related to foreign influence over our elected officials.”

He claimed his informants gave the government “detailed supporting documentation concerning Hunter Biden’s escapades in Ukraine with Burisma,” yet told Business Insider in September 2023 that the FBI “made a diligent attempt to run the Biden material to the ground.” Really? IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler tell a different story: their probes into Hunter’s dealings with CEFC China Energy were stonewalled, with prosecutors refusing to follow leads—like WhatsApp messages tying Joe Biden to his son’s schemes—and even ordering them not to “ask about the big guy.”

The FBI’s hypocrisy runs deeper. While Buma now faces justice, the bureau has a long history of shielding its own missteps. Special Counsel John Durham’s report laid bare the sham of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump, finding “neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion” from the start. DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz torched the FBI’s reliance on Christopher Steele’s debunked dossier to spy on Carter Page, calling it “central and essential” to a politicized FISA mess. Yet no one faced real consequences—except, now, Buma, whose arrest feels less like accountability and more like the FBI tying up a loose end.

Buma’s bitterness toward the bureau he once served is palpable. “Am I mad at the FBI? You’re damn right I am and have good reason to be, akin to being mad at a brother who sucker punched me in the face,” he wrote on LinkedIn in 2023. He griped to Congress and the media about retaliation since 2022, even filing a complaint with the FBI’s Inspection Division that went nowhere. But his arrest at JFK—caught before boarding an international flight—suggests he knew the walls were closing in. The deep state doesn’t tolerate defectors, especially ones who threaten its carefully guarded secrets.

Contrast this with the FBI’s kid-glove treatment of Hunter Biden. Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley revealed in 2022 that agents had improperly labeled “verified and verifiable derogatory information” on Hunter as disinformation, halting investigations. House Republicans later documented how the FBI “prebunked” Biden family scandals before the 2020 election, priming Big Tech to censor the Post’s laptop story as a supposed Russian “hack-and-leak.” Hunter’s eventual gun and tax convictions in 2024, followed by Joe Biden’s December pardon, only cement the double standard: one set of rules for the connected, another for those who step out of line.

Buma’s case is a microcosm of an FBI—and a deep state—rotting from within. His claims about Giuliani and Hunter may have served the bureau’s political allies, but his sloppy exit exposed the cracks. The real scandal isn’t just one agent’s betrayal; it’s an agency that’s spent years burying inconvenient truths, from Trump-Russia hoaxes to Biden family cover-ups, all while punishing those who dare to question the script. As the charges against Buma pile up, the question lingers: who’s next?