No one stands out as the most disapproved politician in the last 20 years like Hillary Clinton. Many Americans think she’s mentally unstable.
That’s why Hillary Clinton landing this new job will make you sick to the stomach.
The unfortunate reality is that radical leftists have totally taken over the majority of America’s higher education institutions.
Far-left ideology is currently being taught to students instead of practical information and abilities related to their subjects of study.
The worst offenders are usually ivy league colleges, all of which are found in the northeastern region of the United States.
One such Ivy League institution, Columbia University, recently demonstrated this by recruiting none other than Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state and unsuccessful presidential contender.
Columbia University has appointed Hillary Clinton as a “fellow at Columbia World Projects and a professor of practice at the School of International and Public Affairs.”
“I have had the great pleasure of knowing Hillary personally for three decades, since her early days as first lady of the United States,” Columbia president Lee C. Bollinger said.
“Given her extraordinary talents and capacities together with her singular life experiences, Hillary Clinton is unique and, most importantly, exceptional in what she can bring to the University’s missions of research and teaching,” he continued.
This and other politically motivated actions are the exact reason why many Americans are beginning to lose faith in American higher education institutions.
Undoubtedly, Hillary Clinton was one of the most scandal-riddled secretaries of state in American history, and she had a string of missteps during her time in that position.
Maybe Hillary Clinton will deliver a speech about how she failed in Benghazi.
Although this action by Columbia University smells of corruption and partiality, it is hardly surprising coming from a group as far to the left as Columbia.
Hillary Clinton and other corrupt elites shouldn’t be using their lies to indoctrinate America’s youth.
More and more young people have been attending college over the past few decades, and the outcomes have been disastrous.
Many adults who have recently graduated from college stay at home and frequently work jobs for which they are under-qualified while accruing significant student debt.
Government schools must stop promoting the idea that attending college is the sole path to success and start promoting trades and alternative types of education.
The majority of the time, American schools and universities don’t sufficiently prepare their students for life after graduation.
Colleges are instructing students to despise America and despise one another, rather than teaching them the ins and outs of their respective vocations.
It’s time for parents to reject the radical Left’s out-of-control brainwashing, which has no place in American colleges and universities.
Stay tuned to the Federalist Wire.