No doubt the Biden family is corrupt and hiding something. The American people are finally getting answers after all these years.
And Joe Biden is ensnared in a multi-million dollar business scandal.
Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, has long been a thorn in the president’s side.
Of course, Joe has no qualms with helping out his son like he did when he strong-armed Ukraine into dropping its investigation into Hunter’s business ventures.
But Hunter’s drug-addled mind has made for some sloppy coverups that have come back to bite the Biden family.
In fact, it’s only due to his careless giving of his laptop to a repairman that Americans know as much as we do.
And it’s only getting worse for Joe as details start to trickle out.
Whistleblowers alerted House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) on Wednesday that President Joe Biden has indirectly benefited financially from the Biden family business, raising questions about whether Joseph Biden is built into the family’s off-the-books business agreements.
Comer noted that the Biden family firm has multiple organizations (LLCs) that are “paying for things for Joe Biden.” The intricate web of money flow begins with overseas entities and ends with the family’s business acquaintances. The family associates transfer the funds to family-controlled accounts, which are used to pay for Joe Biden’s “things.”
“One of the things that all of our whistleblowers have told us,” Comer told Just the News, “is that they were all — through these LLCs — paying for things for Joe Biden. So that’s very curious, you know.”
Joe Biden and his staff have claimed at least seven times that the president is not active in the family business, despite 17 pieces of evidence indicating that Joe Biden has played a significant role in the activities of his son Hunter and brother James. According to polls, 58 percent of respondents believe Joe Biden is involved in his family’s business.
“I mean, he’s [Joe Biden] not going to be able to say that he had no knowledge of his family’s business activities, because a lot of these people that sent this money to the LLCs that then sent it to the Bidens, Joe Biden then met with, especially during the last year of his vice presidency,” Comer explained.
“So, you know, Biden was in on the game. But what we want to know is did he benefit personally from it? We know his family did. But did he benefit personally, and that’s what we’re investigating.”
Comer further stated that the funds sent to the Biden family’s LLCs originate from adversaries rather than allies such as Canada, the United Kingdom, or Australia.
“It doesn’t make sense for this family to receive these massive amounts of money from our adversaries,” he added. “They’re not dealing with Canada. They’re not dealing with the Europeans, you know, the normal European Union countries. They’re dealing with countries like Russia and China, and the United Arab Emirates. I mean, it’s bizarre some of the countries that are doing business with the Bidens.”
While it has been questioned if Joe Biden had any off-the-books involvement in the family’s commercial ventures, communications between the family and their allies indicate that Joseph Biden was written into one off-the-books deal with China for a 10% stake.
The Biden family signed a contract with CEFC in 2017 in which Joe Biden (“Big Guy”) received a 10 percent equity stake in the joint venture with Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski. Another Hunter Biden business associate, James Gilliar, referred to Joe Biden as the “big guy” in an email to Bobulinski on May 13, 2017, which has since been confirmed as a reference to Joe Biden.
According to the 2017 email, a commercial agreement between Bobulinski, the Biden family, and high-ranking Chinese Communist Party members would include 10% “held by H for the big guy?”
Since the CEFC acquisition was never completed, the Biden family’s cash flow could disclose the heart of the family’s company, which could contain legal “predicates” for racketeering charges, according to former Utah U.S. attorney Brett Tolman.
“Conspiracy is a standalone crime in our country, and you’ve certainly got enough to present to the grand jury that there’s a conspiracy among Joe, [brother] James and Hunter to bring in money, to not declare that money, to not pay taxes on that money,” he told the New York Post.
“And to do so from a country like China, it’s not just red flags — there are potential crimes being committed.”
Comer recently acquired access to the Biden family’s Treasury suspicious activity reports (SARs), which revealed that the Biden family firm received a $3 million suspicious wire transfer from an organization linked to the Chinese Communist Party in 2017. (CCP).
The SARs revealed the payment was initially sent to the Bidens’ business associate Rob Walker, who has described himself as someone who “generally [has] been acting as a surrogate for H[unter] around the country and abroad pursuing opportunities.” According to Comer, the SARs show that at least three Biden family members received a piece of the $3 million.
The SARs will be extremely helpful to Comer’s inquiry of Joe Biden. Banks in the United States have identified over 150 SARs from Hunter and James Biden that include “large” sums of money for additional review.
SARs “often contain evidence of potential criminal activities, such as money laundering and fraud,” according to a 2020 Senate study.
Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.