Karine Jean-Pierre’s job is on the line after this moronic slip of the tongue

karine jean-pierre

Press Secretary Jean-Pierre has been an embarrassment to the White House. Her sidestepping and lies aren’t even believable.

And Karine Jean-Pierre’s job is on the line after this moronic slip of the tongue.

Biden’s Press Secretary’s job is essentially one of misinformation and propaganda.

The president has created countless scandals, has a son who may or may not still be addicted to crack, and has driven this country’s economy into the ground.

What are you left to work with if asked any tough questions? Lie or dance around the topic.

Karine Jean-Pierre, though she often lies, is terrible at her job. Frequently stumbling through half answers and ultimately embarrassing her boss.

Americans are sick and tired of seeing her face and hearing her voice.

But they thought that it was the end of her job description. Outside of the press briefings, her job was finished.

Unfortunately, we were all proven wrong.

On Tuesday afternoon, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre accidentally published a post on her official government X account that was meant to be published on President Joe Biden’s official government account.

The now-deleted post said: “Investing in America means investing in ALL of America. When I ran for President, I made a promise that I would leave no part of the country behind.”

“Oh wow! They tweeted from the wrong account!” responded Today News Africa White House correspondent Simon Ateba.

“@PressSec Karine Jean-Pierre has not run for President, at least to the best of my knowledge.”

Reporter Stephanie Myers wrote: “White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tweeted and then deleted this. Looks like she forgot to switch to the @POTUS account.”

Fox News contributor Joe Concha responded: “Welp. I guess we know who’s been writing President Biden’s tweets for him. (A) Karine Jean-Pierre (not good)… (B) White House intern (also not good)… (C) The person who left cocaine at the White House (*really* not good).”

Jean-Pierre made headlines earlier this week when she mispronounced the names of both of Hawaii’s Democratic senators, Sens. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) and Brian Schatz (D-HI), and referred to Hirono as a “he,” all while the state is dealing with the worst fire in the United States in over 100 years.

“Senator Harino [sic], who I said the president spoke to just last night, he thanked the president for the immediate support of federal agencies have delivered for residents of Hawaii,” Jean-Pierre said, adding, “and so does, has, so has Senator Shorts, Sharts — Schatz.”

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.