Leading Democrat disrespects victims of illegal immigrant crime with shocking action

Jerry Nadler (D-NY)

The Left has lost all sense of compassion. They don’t care about the people who are negatively affected by their horrendous policies.

And a leading Democrat disrespected victims of illegal immigrant crime with this shocking action.

Longtime Manhattan Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) found himself at the center of controversy after appearing to close his eyes and rest his head during an emotionally charged House Judiciary Committee hearing on the border crisis.

The hearing, held on Tuesday, featured heart-wrenching testimonies from family members of victims who had suffered due to violent illegal immigrants, including the mother of m*rdered 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray from Texas.

As the hearing unfolded, with witnesses recounting the tragic losses of their loved ones, two Republican members of the Judiciary Committee, Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) and Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC), were quick to call out Nadler. They accused the senior Democrat of not taking the testimony seriously.

Rep. Chip Roy took to X, formerly known as Twitter, sharing an image of Nadler looking as if he were asleep. Roy captioned the photo, “From frustrated families in the audience ⁦@JudiciaryGOP hearing listening to witnesses who lost loved ones to violent illegal aliens. Hardly any Dems present – those who are……”

Similarly, Rep. Dan Bishop voiced his frustration, tweeting alongside a photo of Nadler, “In Judiciary Committee, we’re hearing from moms of girls and women beaten, r*ped, strangled, discarded and a boy poisoned to death by fentanyl. Democrats:”

Despite the criticisms, Nadler did express sympathy in his opening remarks to the families of the victims. He said, “I would like to take a moment and express my sincerest condolences to all of our witnesses who have lost loved ones, and to all of their families. I cannot imagine how difficult this loss has been for you, and I appreciate your being here to share their stories. May their memories be a blessing.”

However, Nadler also used the opportunity to accuse Republicans of using the hearing as a partisan platform. He continued, “Instead of working in a bipartisan fashion to find meaningful solutions to our broken immigration system, we are sitting in yet one more partisan hearing designed to divide us and to score political points before an election.”

The panel heard from eight witnesses during the session, including Alexis Nungaray, whose testimony about her 12-year-old daughter’s brutal m*rder at the hands of two illegal immigrants from Venezuela was particularly harrowing.

Another witness, Patty Morin, spoke about her daughter Rachel, who was allegedly r*ped and k*lled by an illegal immigrant while out for a run near her home.

According to Morin, it wasn’t just Nadler’s apparent disinterest that struck a chord during the hearing. She told Fox News, “One of the ladies that came with me, she took a picture of the Democrats on the other side as we were speaking and telling our stories, us, the mothers, mothers crying, telling our stories – and one of them is sleeping, and the other one’s on his phone. It was so disheartening.”

The individual who took the photo, Cathie Groenewold, did not mince words in her assessment of Nadler’s behavior. “I was astounded at the careless attitude of Jerry Nadler,” she told Fox News.

“They are pouring out their hearts, these women, who have lost their children to fentanyl and the most gruesome m*rders you could imagine, and they don’t have the common decency to sit up and give them their undivided attention.”

This isn’t the first time Nadler has been seen nodding off during official business. In 2021, he faced similar scrutiny when he appeared to doze off during a hearing featuring Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Jerry Nadler’s response is yet another reminder that the radical Left simply doesn’t care about the damage they’ve done through their horrid immigration policies.

So, are Democrats like Nadler really the type we want representing us in Congress?

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.