Mitt Romney admitted to stabbing every conservative in the back in this filmed confession

Mitt Romney has been a thorn in the side of conservatives for years. As one of the most powerful RINOs in Washington, D.C., he has helped Democrats at every turn.

And now Mitt Romney admitted to stabbing every conservative in the back in this filmed confession.

Mitt Romney joined RINO Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and 16 other sellouts in endorsing a $1.7 trillion big government spending measure that would fund Joe Biden’s socialist, open borders agenda for a full year.

Conservatives were outraged that the Senate GOP did not support a short-term funding plan to postpone the budget struggle until January, when Republicans take over the House majority.

Romney argued he couldn’t wait until January for a budget dispute because House Republicans would have to bargain while deciding who would be Speaker of the House.

“House Republicans say that they want to craft a budget, but they haven’t yet been able to select a Speaker,” Romney began.

“Even if they could take on those two things at the same time, it would need Democrats in the Senate to pass it,” Romney added.

Romney’s claim was absurd.

Any bill would still need the support of Senate Democrats.

But, at the very least, the budget coming out of the House of Representatives in January would be one passed by a Republican majority rather than Senate Republicans striking a deal with Senate Democrats and Nancy Pelosi.

Ben Shapiro, the founder of the Daily Wire, sounded off on Mitt Romney’s stupidity.

Conservatives were outraged by McConnell’s spending betrayal.

McConnell agreed to a compromise that invested $410 million to strengthen the Middle East border while prohibiting spending on border security in the United States.

Even though over 5.5 million illegal immigrants have poured across the border since Biden took office, Romney is more concerned with placating liberal politicians.

And this bill funds all of Joe Biden’s initiatives while giving conservatives nothing.

Of course, Mitt Romney tried to portray the agreement as the best the GOP could accomplish.

We’re told we have to compromise on our principles if we ever want to get anything done.

But everyone knows this is a lie because the Republicans will regain control of the House in January after winning the chamber in the November midterms.

Stay tuned to the Federalist Wire.