Republicans went to DEFCON-1 after uncovering Biden’s pre-election collusion with this foreign power

Joe Biden

For years, Democrats cried wolf about supposed backroom deals between Republicans and Russia. But it turns out that was all just projection.

And Republicans went to DEFCON-1 after uncovering Biden’s pre-election collusion with this foreign power.

The radical Left and the mainstream media still believe that Donald Trump was only elected because he enlisted Vladimir Putin of Russia to “hack the election.”

Neglecting the obvious problem of explaining just how Russia would be able to change vote counts in multiple local election precincts, they ran with the story for the entirety of Trump’s term.

They labelled him an “illegitimate president” who stole the election from Hillary Clinton.

Isn’t election denial the highest form of treason and a danger to democracy according to Democrats?

It’s obvious to anyone with half a brain that the Russian collusion hoax was nothing more than a witch hunt by sore losers.

But now the shoe is on the other foot, and Biden could be just days away from being investigated for his own foreign deals.

House Republicans have announced their intention to look into a “secret” agreement between the Biden White House and Saudi Arabia to increase oil output in order to cut gas prices ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the leading Republican on the House Oversight Committee, requested information about the arrangement from numerous federal agencies, including the State Department, the Department of Energy, and the Securities and Exchange Commission.

“This Committee has a responsibility to uncover the facts surrounding any backdoor deals cut by President Biden or his emissaries. The President is choosing foreign sources over domestic source — all for political purposes,” he wrote in the letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

“If his Administration is engaging in backdoor market manipulations with adversarial nations while jeopardizing our national security for the sake of securing more favorable election conditions for Democrats, the American people have a right to know,” the missive continued.

The Kentucky Republican, who is expected to become the committee’s chair when the Republicans take control of the House in the new year, said in the letters sent Sunday that the president has “waged war on American-made energy” by shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline, putting a moratorium on oil and gas production on federal lands, and draining the country’s strategic oil reserves.

The Republicans referenced an October New York Times report that indicated the administration believed it had reached an agreement with Saudi Arabia to increase oil production before the president’s visit to the kingdom this summer.

However, following the visit, during which Biden fist-bumped Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman, Saudi Arabia and Russia pressed other OPEC+ members to cut oil production by 2 million barrels per day in October.

The decision caused gas prices, which had been gradually declining, to rise again before the November 8 elections. ​

In reaction, the Biden administration stated that it would have to “re-evaluate” its relationship with Riyadh and even considered withdrawing the country’s military backing.

The Biden administration was heavily chastised for its talks with Saudi Arabia, owing to the kingdom’s history of human rights violations and its role in the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018.

Democrats, according to Comer, have “weaponized their unchecked power, waged a war against America-made energy production, and forced Green New Deal policies on the American people.”

When Republicans take control of the House, he said they will press the administration for answers on its energy policy. ​

“With the power of the gavel, we will hold the Biden Administration responsible for recklessly attacking a critical industry that provides the American people affordable energy and good-paying job opportunities,” Comer said.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire for updates on this developing story.