Washington, D.C. just got thrown for a loop. No one thought it was this bad for President Biden.
And now the DNC is scrambling for a Biden replacement after learning he’ll never recover.
Things are not looking good for Joe Biden and his campaign right now. Every single time he turns around, there’s more news that’s pulling down his approval ratings and making his November election outlook worse and worse. Much of it all is his fault, of course.
Americans who might have voted for him in 2020 are realizing that the Biden administration simply doesn’t care about the issues that are important to him. Biden and his Democrat lackeys want to virtue signal and lecture about “democracy” rather than address the issues that are hurting Americans.
This has led to serious lack of performance on the part of Joe Biden and the Democrats among critically important voting blocs for their future success. Their voting base is literally falling apart at the seams.
Several reports in recent weeks have demonstrated that surveys are suggesting that Joe Biden’s success in 2020 with young voters may be off the table for the 2024 election cycle. At this point in the 2020 election cycle, Donald Trump was about 30 points behind Joe Biden with young voters. Today, he’s only about 15 to 18 points behind Joe Biden. That’s a stark 15 to 12-point swing.
The Hispanic vote, another critical voting bloc for the Democrats, is also swinging in Donald Trump’s favor. In 2020, Joe Biden won the Hispanic vote by about 13 points by carrying the bloc to the tune of 63 percent. If the 2024 election was held today, surveys suggest Donald Trump would actually win the Hispanic vote this time around by a few percentage points.
The all-important African American vote is also slipping through the fingers of the Democrats who once had an iron grip on the black vote. Normally, Democrats will win about 90% of the black vote in Presidential elections. That’s all changing as the latest surveys say that Joe Biden will get less than 80% of the black vote and could get less than 70%. That’s a massive swing, no matter how you cut it.
The most important voting bloc of these is likely the young vote. It is increasingly a more important bloc to win as the boomer voters shrink from here on out. The population pyramid is changing.
One political strategist is sounding the alarm about the likelihood of Joe Biden losing if something doesn’t change dramatically.
AGF Investments Chief U.S. Policy Strategist Greg Valliere noted on Fox Business that President Joe Biden’s opportunity to regain support among young voters seems to be slipping away. Valliere highlighted Biden’s declining appeal to young voters, a trend that began before the Israel-Hamas conflict in October and has persisted.
With Biden trailing behind former President Donald Trump in the RealClearPolling average and facing diminishing approval ratings, Valliere emphasized the importance of Biden’s need to reconnect with young voters. He pointed out that if Biden fails to do so, he’ll heavily rely on winning back the support of black and Hispanic voters, a task he’s currently struggling with.
Valliere expressed concern over Biden’s decreasing popularity among young people, mentioning a recent poll indicating Trump’s increased backing from black men in battleground states. He also cited a decline in Biden’s support among Latinos since June 2023, leaving him with only a slim lead over Trump in favorability.
“It’s still April and there’s a long way to go, but there’s some really ominous trends for Biden. In particular his numbers, Charles, with young people,” Mr. Valliere shared on Fox News.
“He’s lost five points in the last few months with young people. He’s now trailing or even with Hispanics and African Americans. If he doesn’t do well with those three groups there’s no way he can win,” he added.
Drawing parallels to past periods of youth unrest, Valliere warned that Biden might be running out of time to regain support among young voters. He noted the growing anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the country, which have disrupted classes and led to confrontations with law enforcement.
“I’ve been around for a while and this is starting to remind me of 1968, when you saw young people really get angry, occupy dorms, occupy campuses,” Valliere continued on by saying.
“You’re seeing that now and I think it’s almost too late for the president to regain his support among young people. He’s got to do very well among Hispanics and African-Americans and he’s not.”
Recently, Democrat strategist James Carville criticized young voters for their reluctance to support Democrats, cautioning that Republican control could jeopardize their rights for years to come. Carville’s concern over Democrats losing support from young voters underscores the significance of this demographic, which played a crucial role in Biden’s 2020 election victory.
You can watch the clip from Fox News below:
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