Vice President Harris is in hot water after this shocking video surfaced

kamala harris

Kamala Harris is known for her many slip-ups. But this one might be an all-timer.

And Vice President Harris is in hot water after this shocking video surfaced.

Ever since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the abortion debate has been heavily ignited among Republicans and Democrats.

Radical leftist politicians have recently been called out to see where they draw the line on abortion.

Vice President Kamala Harris was asked this very question in an interview earlier on Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan.

“So, what is it that you believe? I mean, what week of pregnancy should abortion access be cut off?” Brennan asked.

Harris predictably dodged the question by answering, “We need to restore the protections of Roe v. Wade, we’re not trying to do something new.”

The Vice President continued to ramble on about how Joe Biden and Congress will work to codify Roe to restore so-called abortion rights.

Brennan continued to press Harris, asking her, “But, does it need to be specific in terms of defining where that guarantee goes up to and where it does not? Which week of pregnancy?”

“We need to put back in place the protections of Roe v. Wade. We’re not trying to do anything that did not exist before June of last year,” Harris responded while sounding like a broken record.

As the interview continued, Margaret Brennan agreed with Harris in her belief that Republicans are lying when they say Democrats support abortion up until birth. However, that didn’t stop her from asking Harris where she thinks the cut-off for abortion should be.

“Republicans say the lack of a precise date in cutting it off – you know this – they say it allows Democrats to perform abortions up until, you know, birth,” Brennan said. “You need to be more precise.”

Yet again, Kamala Harris refused to specify any sort of cut-off. “I am being precise. We need to put into law the protections of Roe v. Wade,” Harris said.

Time and time again, Democrats have denied that they support abortions up until birth. But Harris’ refusal to put any sort of limitations on it, proves them wrong.

In fact, several weeks ago, former Biden White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki made the same ridiculous claim on social media, that “no one supports abortion up until birth.”

She was justifiably met with criticism and loads of proof showing just how off-base she is, including a clip where former Democrat Governor of Virginia, Ralph Northam expressed his support for born-alive abortions.

Vice President Harris can dodge questions about abortion limits all she wants, but that won’t stop Americans from knowing her true stance on the issue.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.