Republican senator attacked during an event by an unhinged mob

Senator Lisa Murkowski

Nastiness is becoming a theme in politics. The art of respectfully disagreeing with someone is almost extinct.

And a Republican senator was attacked during an event by an unhinged mob.

Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) was the victim of a radical protest during a gala she was being honored at.

The radical group, Climate Defiance, stormed the stage and got into physical altercations with those in attendance at the event.

Climate Defiance by their own admission is a “youth-led group using direct action to resist fossil fuels.”

The group called Murkowski things like “murderer” and “ecocidal pyromaniac” in an X post.

They also posted a video of the altercation on the social media platform and took credit for the disruption of the event.

“We just shut down a gala honoring U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski,” Climate Defiance said in their X post.

“Murkowski is a murderer. She incinerates us to enrich her cronies. As CHevron’s top lobbyist gave her an award, we stepped in and stopped the ceremony. Respect us or expect us.”

“Murkowski brands herself as a moderate but in truth, she is an ecocidal pyromaniac. She fought tooth and nail to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to big oil. Is nothing sacred? Is nothing sacred?” the group continued on X.

“Murkowski played a lead role in persuading Biden to approve the Willow Project. This monstrosity will transport 200,000 barrels of oil every single day. This is hideous. This is cruel and barbaric beyond description.”

Sen. Murkowski isn’t the only politician who’s been targeted by this unhinged climate group.

In March, Climate Defiance posted a video of an altercation between some of their protestors and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV).

At the beginning of the video, one of the unhinged members of their mob uses profanity to call out Manchin.

It’s sad that this is what political opposition has come to in America.

Peaceful protests are far and few between these days.

Now, groups of young moronic individuals feel as though they need to start a physical altercation or yell profane statements to get their point across.

Little do they know that these types of protests only hurt the cause they’re fighting for.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.