Biden’s latest immigration scandal has the White House in shambles

joe biden

The crisis at the southern border continues to get worse. It’s no secret that Joe Biden and his administration are to blame.

And Biden’s latest immigration scandal has the White House in shambles.

President Joe Biden decided to pay a visit to the southern border in Texas on Thursday.

The crisis at the border is a result of his administration’s policies that basically allow open borders.

But now, the Biden White House has come out with a statement that will only make the crisis worse.

In a statement, the White House said that the Left’s proposed bipartisan border legislation will include “$1.4 billion for cities and states who are providing critical services to newcomers, and would expedite work permits for people who are in the country and qualify.”

That’s right, they referred to illegal immigrants as “newcomers.”

If the White House really wanted to solve the issues at the border, they wouldn’t call illegal immigrants something as mundane as “newcomers.”

It’s almost like they’re too offended to use the actual terminology.

“The Biden White House is now referring illegal immigrants as ‘newcomers.’ Joe Biden is not serious about stopping the illegal immigration into the United States. This is a catastrophe by design,” the House Republicans X account posted.

Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) took a stab at the statement by the White House by posting four pictures of illegal immigrants who had committed various crimes including murder. His post was captioned, “The Newcomers.”

“This is ABSURED. He has no interest in putting an end to this invasion. He just wants to use more of your tax dollars to aid and abet it,” Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) wrote on X.

“A newcomer just brutally murdered Laken Riley along with 100,000 other Americans every year from fentanyl poisoning. Your government hates you,” Charlie Kirk, the Executive Director of Turning Point USA, said.

“While touting the $1.4 billion dollars of taxpayer money they want to spend on feeding and housing illegal immigrants, Biden’s @WhiteHouse just referred to illegal crossers as ‘newcomers,'” Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) also posted on X.

At the very least this is a PR nightmare for Joe Biden and the White House.

But at this point, they should be accustomed to the backlash they receive.

It’s pretty much all their policies are good for these days.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.