Clarence Thomas was handed an incriminating report that changes everything

clarence thomas

The Democrats have been trying to bring down Justice Thomas for years. But never gone this far.

But Clarence Thomas was handed an incriminating report that changes everything.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is the Left’s most hated and feared enemy.

Not only is he a strict constitutionalist who doesn’t give an inch to their radical agenda…

But, as a black man, the Left believes they have the exclusive right to his opinion because of their racial identity politics. They don’t think he can think for himself.

Recently, major Democrats have attacked Thomas after news reports that the justice neglected to report “luxury” travel paid for by businessman and Republican donor Harlan Crow.

Some of the Democrats may want to look at the skeletons in their own closet before making a mountain out of mole hill about Thomas’ friendships.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), chairman of the Judiciary Committee, called for an investigation of Thomas along with his 10 Democrat colleagues on the committee.

But in 2014, Durbin’s office revealed that the Illinois Democrat had secured federal funding for ten clients of the lobbying firm where his wife Loretta works. After being exposed, Durbin said, “I did nothing in terms of securing the money.”

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), another member of the Judiciary Committee, has come under scrutiny in recent years for his membership in the white-only Bailey’s Beach, a club and beach in Newport, Rhode Island.

“I think it would be nice if they [Bailey’s Beach Club] changed a little bit, but it’s not my position,” Whitehouse told a reporter in 2021.

Asked if he would push for the club to change, Whitehouse replied: “I will take that up privately.”

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) demanded: “Justice Thomas should resign.”

“It’s a trust issue—Clarence Thomas has betrayed it, judges need it, accountability must restore it. Trust is the judiciary’s prime calling card. If Thomas were on a lower court, an investigation would already be underway—to uphold trust,” Blumenthal said.

The irony? Blumenthal has a history of lying about serving in combat during the Vietnam War when he actually never went to the country during the war and never saw combat.

According to a New York Times piece from 2010, when Blumenthal was initially running for Senate, he acquired at least five draft deferments.

Over the course of seven years, the Times compiled a list of Blumenthal’s assertions, including fraudulent claims about returning from war and participating in Vietnam.

Let’s get down to brass tax. Clarence Thomas is getting grilled for going on vacation with friends that he has known for decades.

Meanwhile, the Democrats who are trying to crucify him, are either no better or far worse than the conservative justice.

But Democrats never care about consistency, do they?

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