Democrats are in disbelief after CNN does the unthinkable and goes after the Harris campaign

tim walz

The Leftist media outlet is usually quick to defend anyone from the Left. But not his time.

And Democrats are in disbelief after CNN does the unthinkable and goes after the Harris campaign.

In a recent report, CNN has shed light on a troubling chapter in the past of Kamala Harris’ Vice President pick, Governor Tim Walz (D-MN).

The report reveals that during his run for Congress, Walz repeatedly misled the public about a 1995 drunk driving arrest.

On September 23, 1995, Walz was stopped by a Nebraska state trooper for driving 96 mph in a 55 mph zone. The officer noted the smell of alcohol on Walz’s breath, leading to both a field sobriety test and a blood-alcohol test—both of which Walz failed.

Court records confirm that Walz spent the night in jail and later admitted to driving under the influence.

However, when Walz ran for Congress, his campaign spun a different narrative. They consistently asserted that Walz had not been drinking that night.

Instead, they claimed that he failed the field sobriety test due to hearing loss he allegedly sustained during his service in the National Guard.

CNN’s report pointedly states, “None of that was true.”

The report details how Walz’s campaign perpetuated this false narrative across multiple media outlets.

The New Elm Journal, a local newspaper, quoted Meredith Salsbery, then-communications director for Walz’s campaign, as saying: “According to Walz’s campaign staff, Walz denies being drunk the night of the incident. Walz was hard of hearing, a result of his years as an artillery soldier in the Army National Guard, and had trouble hearing the trooper, according to Meredith Salsbery, communications director for the Walz campaign.”

Salsbery elaborated to the paper that Walz “couldn’t understand what the trooper was telling him during the field sobriety test, and the trooper refused to speak up.”

“The DUI charges were dropped for a reason,” Salsbery added, referring to Walz’s plea deal. “The judge would not have dismissed them if there were anything to them. Tim drove to the police station that night (after being stopped), and he drove home afterward. I don’t think the trooper would have allowed that if he thought there was a problem.”

The same narrative was echoed in another local publication, the Post Bulletin. Walz’s campaign manager, Kerry Greeley, was quoted as saying that while Walz did not deny speeding, he was not intoxicated.

Greeley attributed the misunderstanding to Walz’s supposed deafness, a condition she claimed was a result of his years serving as an artillerist in the National Guard. “He couldn’t understand what the officer was saying to him,” Greeley stated, adding that people with hearing loss might also have balance issues. According to Greeley, the judge eventually dismissed the DUI charges and criticized the officer for failing to recognize Walz’s hearing impairment.

Greeley also declared to the Star Tribune that Tim Walz “was caught speeding, he doesn’t deny it and that’s the end of it.”

The Harris campaign’s portrayal of Walz as a quintessential all-American dad with Midwest roots has been called into question by this revelation. Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire Editor Emeritus, recently highlighted Walz’s fabrications regarding the drunk driving arrest in an episode of the Daily Wire’s “Scamala: Kamala Harris Unmasked.”

“Arrested for DUI while teacher and assistant coach, abandoning his unit in the guard: none of the ‘dad persona’ really sticks when revealed,” Shapiro remarks. He describes Walz as a “wild progressive, a radical, and a liar” with questionable ties to China, a history of exaggerating his military service, and a record of extreme racial and gender policies.

Was this really the best pick that Kamala Harris could have made as her running mate for the 2024 presidential election?

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.