Democrats are panicking after President Biden made himself a laughing-stock for this brutal failure

Joe Biden

The Biden campaign is rattled. Nothing they seem to do helps the commander-in-chief in the polls.

And Democrats are panicking after President Biden made himself a laughing-stock for brutal failure.

Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is starting to set off the alarms.

The president’s polling numbers are not looking good right now and if the election were held today he would likely lose to former President Donald Trump.

Biden’s approval ratings are also a disaster, leaving his campaign wondering what they can possibly do to help improve his standing among voters.

But their problems got much worse over the weekend after Joe Biden appeared in Atlanta, Georgia for a fundraising event and to speak at Morehouse College’s graduation as the commencement speaker.

As Biden’s motorcade drove through the streets of Atlanta, hardly anyone was there to watch it pass by.

“If a presidential motorcade passes through town but absolutely nobody cares – did it really pass through town?” RNC Research said on X.

Atlanta is a blue city in a state that also went blue in the 2020 presidential election. Yet citizens in that blue city didn’t seem too thrilled to see the president pass through.

Biden made note of Georgia becoming a blue state while speaking at a fundraising event in Atlanta on Saturday.

“If you ever doubt the power of the vote, I say come to Georgia. You are the reason I won. Georgia is the reason I’m president right now,” Biden said in his remarks, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

And while crowd sizes don’t win candidates elections, if you’re the Biden campaign it’s hard not to feel discouraged to see a lack of decent sized-crowd in blue-Atlanta to watch the president drive through.

“Mobs gather in Atlanta to see Joe Biden’s motorcade,” one X user sarcastically said in response to the small amount of people watching Joe Biden’s motorcade.

“Haha. Man, can Biden draw a crowd. The only people there are waiting to cross the street,” another user quipped.

“MASSIVE crowd of almost 4 people line the streets as Biden’s motorcade passes through in Atlanta,” someone else said on X.

The same unenthusiastic sentiment of Biden’s appearance in Atlanta was also shared by students at Morehouse College when they found out the president was going to be their commencement speaker.

“The general feeling on the ground is that we don’t want him here,” one student said to WSB-TV several weeks ago.

President Joe Biden could very well be on his way to losing Georgia to Donald Trump this November.

According to RealClearPolling’s latest average, Trump leads Biden by 4.6% in the Peach State.

And this weekend’s trip to Georgia did nothing to encourage Biden and his reelection team that those poll numbers will change anytime soon.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.