Democrats hit the panic button as leading congressman resigns

U.S. Rep. Brian Higgins

Politics will always be full of surprises. But the Left never saw this coming.

And Democrats hit the panic button as leading congressman resigns.

With the 2024 elections a year away, lawmakers from both parties are deciding whether they want to run for reelection or retire and leave Washington, D.C. for good.

Senators Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) are two notable names who have announced they will not seek reelection next year.

And now U.S. Rep. Brian Higgins (D-NY) has declared that he will resign in February of next year after spending 19 years in government.

“I’ve always been a little impatient, and that trait has helped us deliver remarkable progress for this community,” Higgins said when giving his reasoning for resigning.

“But the pace in Washington, D.C. can be slow and frustrating, especially this year.”

“Therefore, after thoughtful consideration, I have made the difficult decision to leave Congress and explore other ways I can build up and serve Buffalo and Western New York,” Higgins added.

Higgins represented New York’s 26th Congressional District. The cities of Buffalo and Niagara Falls are included in that district and it’s been noted as an area that votes mostly Democrat.

“I’ve never lingered on Capitol Hill, I go there on a mission to change my community and return home on the first flight each week because being in Western New York, talking to people here, provides an urgent reminder of what I was sent to Washington to do,” he continued.

“It’s just a time for change, and I think this is the time. I want to come back to the city and serve this city that I have represented in Washington for the past 19 years.”

“Congress is not the institution that I went to 19 years ago. It’s a very different place today. We’re spending more time doing less. And the American people aren’t being served.”

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) praised Higgins in a statement on Sunday, saying that Higgins “brought the best of Buffalo to the House Democratic Caucus family.”

“For nearly two decades, Brian Higgins has embodied the role of Buffalo’s hometown Member of Congress,” Jeffries stated.

“In Congress, and in the State Assembly and Buffalo Common Council before that, Brian has been a relentless champion for the city’s economic development and prosperity.”

Higgins’ district is most likely going to hold a special election next spring to fill his seat.

And while not confirmed by his office, media outlets in his district have reported that Higgins will likely take position with Shea’s Performing Arts Center in Buffalo.

But regardless of why he’s resigning, Democrats have to start getting worried about the multitude of congressmen and senators who are leaving politics and helping to contribute to Republicans possibly taking both the House and the Senate in 2024.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.