DNC officials make a shocking admission about Kamala Harris that no one saw coming

kamala harris

Harris is gaining more and more Leftist allies by the day. But that may be quickly changing soon.

As DNC officials have made a shocking admission about Kamala Harris that no one saw coming.

At the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, delegates found it difficult to pinpoint a clear, standout achievement of Vice President Kamala Harris, despite her prominence in the party. Instead, they highlighted her progressive policy positions and political values when asked about her accomplishments by Breitbart News.

Bonnie Daniels, a delegate from El Paso, Texas, made it clear that Harris is not the top decision-maker, and emphasized President Biden’s leadership instead.

“Well, you know, she’s not president; it’s Joe Biden who’s had some awesome achievements,” Daniels explained. “His economic policy is fabulous, and, you know, waiting for her to step it up, and let’s see if she continues his policies, and we’ll take it from there.”

Daniels’ comments suggest that, while Harris is seen as a key player, her achievements are still largely tied to the president’s agenda.

Luciano Garza, another delegate from Texas, spoke to Harris’s role in the campaign, emphasizing the importance of the Democratic ticket in preserving freedoms and pushing back against Republican opponents.

“Her greatest achievement in this campaign so far… is that with Harris and Walz, we are going to fight for… our freedoms, and she’s going to fight for our families and our future,” Garza said.

His remarks centered on the broader political fight rather than specific policy achievements, positioning Harris as an important figure in maintaining Democratic ideals.

Sophia Rodriguez, a former congressional candidate from Ohio, pointed to Harris’s belief in equality as her primary achievement, particularly her work to make insulin more affordable. “Her achievement is believing that all people are equal and that they should all have an opportunity for the American dream,” Rodriguez said, adding that insulin prices were a personal issue for her. “I’m a type two diabetic, [and] insulin costs are down to, like, $35 maximum, especially for our seniors.”

It’s worth noting, however, that as Breitbart News reported, former President Donald Trump first initiated the insulin price cap, and President Biden initially suspended the executive order before advocating for price reductions during his 2022 State of the Union.

Rodriguez also praised Harris’s support for public education, aligning with her own career as an educator. “Also, she advocates for public education… it’s important for my kids,” she added, emphasizing free school lunches.

Meanwhile, Arizona delegates Carrie Goode and Dorris Karls focused on Harris’s advocacy for abortion and her alleged concern for working families. Goode praised Harris’s leadership on abortion rights, describing it as one of her most significant contributions. “Her stand on abortion and about reproductive rights — that, to me, is the biggest thing she’s been able to really… bring to the people and make people understand what they’re losing,” she said.

Karls, on the other hand, commended Harris’s focus on economic issues, including the child tax credit and support for students. “If you look at the proposals she’s got out now for lessening costs for people… I just think she’s so progressive in her thinking,” Karls said, emphasizing Harris’s thoughtful approach to policy.

Growing Difficulty Among Leftists To Identify Harris’s Achievements

The delegates at the DNC were very clearly having trouble trying to name a significant achievement of Vice President Harris’s. They were constantly deflecting and offering non-answers when asked to name an accomplishment of Harris’s.

Instead, they pointed to her radical Leftist ideologies as so-called achievements.

This was a difficult task for the delegates because there really isn’t anything Kamala Harris has achieved during her time as vice president.

There are certainly many things she’s failed at while serving as VP, but that will need to be saved for another article since the list is so long.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.