Joe Biden was rocked by this stunning news

joe biden

Many candidates are getting to work as the 2024 race quickly approaches. But President Biden is starting to feel the pressure.

And Joe Biden was rocked by this stunning news.

The President has already announced that he’s running for re-election in 2024.

But a recent survey of 1,650 high school and college students taken from Echelon Insights, shows that young people might not provide the support he needs to help push him to victory.

According to the Daily Wire, the survey results were damning.

“56% of high schoolers say that Biden should face a serious primary challenge with 61% of college students agreeing, including 68% of high school students who identify as liberal and 62% of college students who identify as liberal.”

The Daily Wire also mentions that President Biden’s approval from high school and college students has sunken since 2021.

“Among high school students, his approval has dropped from 58% to 33% and disapproval has jumped 29% to 47%. Among college students his approval has dropped from 62% to 38% and disapproval jumped from 28% to 51%.”

With Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. already tossing their hats in the ring for the Democratic nomination, this survey should cause real worry for Biden.

The President’s age was also a factor among the young people who were surveyed.

Of the high school and college student groups who were surveyed, a heavy majority believed that there should be age restrictions for a presidential candidate.

With Biden being 80 years old, making countless gaffes, and having a habit of falling down while simply walking upstairs, this shouldn’t come as a surprise.

But while age was certainly a factor for the surveyed groups, the economy was of even more importance.

“The economy was a top issue for both college and high school students, though school safety slightly edged out economic concerns for high schoolers” according to the Daily Wire.

With sky-high inflation and gas prices soaring, it’s no wonder that young people who are on the verge of launching their careers are concerned about the economic climate.

“Strikingly though, the top issue among young voters is the economy,” said former Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker.

“Many are concerned they won’t be able to find a job that pays well, start a business, or be able to afford housing when they graduate from college.”

There’s nothing Joe Biden can do about his age, so it’s clear that if he wants to gain the trust of young people back, he needs to make some major changes to how he approaches the economy.

But based on his track record, that seems highly unlikely. So for now, the Biden campaign team can only hold their breath as election season rapidly approaches.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.