Joe Biden was rocked to his core after losing the support of this crucial ally

joe biden

Biden’s reelection goals are starting to look more like a dream than reality. But now that dream is about to turn into a nightmare.

As Joe Biden was rocked to his core after losing the support of this crucial ally.

President Joe Biden has gone back and forth with his stance on the Israel-Hamas war.

When Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 last year, Biden was quick to offer his support of the Jewish nation and their effort to defend themselves from the terrorist group.

But now that he’s received pushback by radical Leftists in his party for this support, he’s proposing a ceasefire. The proposal entails demands of Israel that they do not want to agree to as they work to defeat Hamas.

That’s led to families of hostages being held by Hamas to come out against the proposal by President Biden.

Tikva Forum for Families of Hostages posted a statement on X last week to demand that Biden stop pressuring the Israeli government through ceasefire proposals.

“The Biden administration’s continued pressure on the Israeli government’s decision-making during this existential war is unacceptable,” the group’s post said.

“The outline proposed by President Biden, ostensibly on behalf of the Israeli government, is a proposal that endangers the future of the State of Israel.”

Tikva Forum for Families of Hostages then laid out details as to why Biden’s ceasefire proposal is dangerous for Israel and the hostages being held captive by Hamas.

“Hamas must be completely destroyed. Every sign of weakness will empower it to commit the next massacre. The abductees will only be returned if Hamas is totally dismantled and begs for help,” the post continued.

“If Gazans are allowed to return to the northern Gaza Strip before the release of all the hostages, Israel will lose a key form of pressure. One that can cost our hostages’ lives.”

Roughly 250 hostages were abducted by Hamas when they launched their attack on Israel on October 7.

There are currently five known American hostages being held captive by Hamas.

One of them, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, was the subject of a brutal gaffe made by Joe Biden during a Jewish American Heritage Month event at the White House last month.

“And here with us today is Hersh Goldberg-Polin,” Biden said before correcting himself to say that “he is not here with us, but he’s still being held by Hamas.”

Do any of President Biden’s actions give you confidence that he’s fully capable of securing the release of hostages that are in harm’s way right now?

The Tikva Forum for Families of Hostages certainly doesn’t have any confidence in the commander-in-chief.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.