Kamala releases one document that is raising everyone’s eyebrows

kamala harris

The Vice President thinks she’s going to walk into the White House. Nothing could be further from the truth.

And now Kamala released one document that is raising everyone’s eyebrows.

Vice President Kamala Harris has finally added policy proposals to her campaign website—50 days after President Biden dropped out and endorsed her.

But it’s hard not to notice the glaring delay in outlining any real vision for the country, especially when her campaign had no problem setting up pages for merchandise and donations right away.

Harris, alongside her vice-presidential running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, has now divided their policies into four generic categories: “Build an Opportunity Economy and Lower Costs for Families,” “Safeguard Our Fundamental Freedoms,” “Ensure Safety and Justice For All,” and “Keep America Safe, Secure, and Prosperous.” But after weeks of silence on the issues, one has to wonder: Why did it take so long for Harris to tell voters what she actually stands for?

Among the new additions is a promise not to raise taxes for anyone earning under $400,000, but to “make sure the wealthiest Americans and the largest corporations pay their fair share.”

This includes repealing Trump’s tax cuts for the wealthy—a talking point that seems to focus more on undoing her opponent’s policies rather than offering something innovative. And of course, Harris makes sure to vilify Trump, conveniently ignoring the fact that middle-class Americans benefited from his tax reforms too.

Her website promises to restore the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit, offering a $6,000 credit to families with newborns.

It’s a recycled proposal from the Biden era—nothing new, just more big government spending. The reality? Democrats are doubling down on the same failed policies, while pretending it’s all about “helping the middle class.”

Harris’s website also goes on the attack, devoting substantial space to bashing Trump’s so-called “Project 2025 Agenda,” a set of policy recommendations from the Heritage Foundation—not Trump’s actual campaign platform.

Harris claims that Trump plans to ban abortion and restrict in vitro fertilization, despite Trump himself having publicly stated the opposite.

When it comes to the economy, Harris accuses Trump of wanting to impose a “Trump sales tax” on imported goods, raise rents, and wreck the economy.

She predicts doom and gloom under a Trump administration, but conveniently ignores the economic struggles, inflation, and job losses Americans have already faced under her own party’s leadership. Meanwhile, her plans to raise capital gains taxes and punish investors could strangle growth in an already fragile economy.

Harris doesn’t stop at the economy. Under her “safety and justice” section, she flat-out calls Trump “a convicted criminal who only cares about himself,” a baseless attack meant to distract from her own lack of real solutions to crime.

She accuses Trump of killing a border security deal while her administration has overseen a border crisis of historic proportions. It’s clear: Harris would rather point fingers than face the facts.

In foreign affairs, Harris’s website makes bold claims about her being a “tireless diplomat” who “stands up for Israel.”

This, despite her boycotting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech earlier this year—yet another example of her political double-speak. She says she’s working to end the war in Gaza, but her administration’s slow and inconsistent foreign policy approach has left both allies and adversaries questioning U.S. leadership.

After months of silence on real issues, Harris finally has some policies on paper. But her website feels more like an attack ad against Trump than a legitimate blueprint for the future.

While Harris throws barbs and blames everyone but herself, Americans are left wondering: Does she even have a plan, or is she just hoping Trump’s name will be enough to distract from her failures?

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.