Leftist launches new plan to kick this candidate from the ballot in an earth-shattering move

robert f kennedy jr

Democrats want to dictate who appears on the presidential ballot instead of the voters. They’ll exhaust every resource possible to accomplish this goal.

And this Leftist has launched a new plan to kick this candidate from the ballot in an earth-shattering move.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. faces a significant challenge to his New Jersey ballot access due to a lawsuit filed by Democratic election lawyer Scott Salmon.

On Tuesday, Salmon submitted a suit in New Jersey Superior Court, alleging that RFK Jr. violated the state’s Sore Loser law. This law prohibits candidates from appearing on the general election ballot if they have lost a primary.

Kennedy, 70, originally launched his 2024 presidential campaign as a Democrat but switched to run as an independent last fall.

“Frankly, had Defendant Kennedy believed he was likely to have successfully won the nomination of the Democratic Party in the primary, he would not have withdrawn from the election months beforehand,” Salmon argued in the court filing.

Kennedy exited the Democratic primary long before President Biden secured the necessary delegates for the nomination. Nevertheless, polls at the time clearly indicated Biden’s strong lead.

Salmon, known for his legal challenge against rapper Kanye West’s 2020 bid for New Jersey ballot access, emphasized his personal commitment to this case. “I’m representing myself, so I will be transferring money from my savings account to my checking account. But seriously, nobody is paying me to do this,” Salmon said in a post on X.

“I’m paying for the privilege (and filing fees) out of pocket because I believe it’s the right thing to do.”

The Kennedy campaign has not yet commented on the lawsuit.

Salmon’s lawsuit claims that Kennedy’s independent run could dilute his own vote in the general election.

“His conduct strikes at the heart of New Jersey’s Sore Loser Law, and as such, he must be barred from appearing on the ballot, and should only be permitted to wage a write-in campaign in the upcoming election,” Salmon stated.

Kennedy has already secured ballot access in at least six states, with petition processing in progress in over a dozen others, according to Politico’s ballot access tracker. Despite accusations from political strategists on both sides that he could act as a spoiler in the presidential race, Kennedy has consistently dismissed these claims.

According to recent RealClearPolitics poll aggregates, Kennedy is averaging 6.7% in a five-way race which includes former President Donald Trump (42.6%) and President Joe Biden (40.4%).

Kennedy submitted his petition for New Jersey ballot access in May, but the state will not certify his candidacy until after the July 29 filing deadline, as reported by the New Jersey Globe.

Another independent candidate causing friction among Democrats is embattled Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ). Menendez, who announced in March that he would not seek re-election as a Democrat, recently confirmed his intention to run as an independent.

It remains uncertain whether Salmon or another attorney will challenge Menendez’s candidacy.

Menendez, who did not gather the necessary signatures for the Democratic primary, also faces a bribery trial during his potential independent bid for senator.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.