Major Republican presidential candidate got exposed in humiliating fashion

vivek ramaswamy

Presidential candidates are always trying to find an advantage over their competitors. But this went too far.

And this major Republican presidential candidate got exposed in humiliating fashion.

Former Vice President Mike Pence and businessman/political outsider Vivek Ramaswamy have been butting heads ever since the first Republican primary debate in August.

Now they’re at odds again, this time on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.

Mike Pence posted on X last week that he plans on shutting down the Department of Education when he becomes president.

Ramaswamy’s social media team attacked back saying that Vivek originally posted about the idea on X back in February, and that the former Vice President was stealing the idea.

“Hey @Mike Pence. You get an “F” for copying @VivekGRamaswamy’s homework. While imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, it’s not cool to rip off his revolutionary ideas and pawn them off as your own,” Ramaswamy’s team said on X.

But once the post went up, X put a “community note” at the bottom of it, informing readers that President Ronald Reagan was the first to call for the abolishment of the U.S. Department of Education in 1982.

“41 years ago, President Ronald Reagan called for the elimination of the Department of Education in his 1982 State of the Union address,” the X Community Note read.

The Ramaswamy campaign tried to cover up their mistake by telling Fox News that Vivek’s plan wasn’t a new one, but was instead the first time someone included thorough detail in the plan.

This is another example of Vivek Ramaswamy trying to usher out the old guard in the Republican party, but convincing voters that he’s bringing new and exciting ideas that they’ve all been waiting for.

But this time, the 38-year-old’s attempt at a “gotcha” moment fell flat on it’s face.

Pence and his team didn’t respond for a comment requested by Fox News. It looks like, unlike Ramaswamy, they’re taking the high road.

Regardless, Vivek still leads Pence in the Republican primary polls.

In a new poll from FiveThirtyEight, Ramaswamy holds a narrow lead over Mike Pence, with 7.8%.

The former Vice President sits at 4.8%.

These two will likely continue to duke it out on the campaign trail and on the next debate stage in the coming months.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.