New York has fallen so far and become one of the most liberal states in the country. But now, even many liberals are confused.
Because New York’s horrifying decision to legalize racism has Americans scratching their heads.
In a move reeking of political pandering and fraught with unintended consequences, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed a bill this week establishing a “Community Commission on Reparations.”
Joined by leaders in the movement for racial justice, today New York took a bold step to right the wrongs of the past.
Together, we will reckon with New York's legacy of slavery and discrimination, and work towards a more just, equitable future for all of our communities. pic.twitter.com/LafIZdItMu
— Governor Kathy Hochul (@GovKathyHochul) December 19, 2023
This so-called “reckoning with the past” risks opening a Pandora’s box of grievances, deepening racial divisions, and offering a Band-Aid solution while ignoring the real challenges facing minority communities today.
States like New York refuse to admit that it is their harmful policies that are destroying minority communities… not slavery from almost two centuries ago.
The notion of reparations, at its core, is an absurd one, and it raises serious questions of fairness and practicality.
Determining who qualifies as a descendant of slaves, especially after generations of intermarriage and migration, is an exercise in futility.
Such a system, rife with subjectivity and potential for abuse, risks creating new inequalities and fostering resentment among those deemed ineligible.
Governor Hochul claims this initiative is driven by a desire to acknowledge the economic benefits New York reaped from slavery. But this narrow historical frame ignores the complex tapestry of human history.
Should every state that once benefited from industries with questionable origins, from cotton farming in the South to whaling in New England, now open itself up to claims for reparations?
Where does this historical blame game end, and can it ever truly lead to change and progress?
Instead of indulging in symbolic gestures like reparations, New York should be focusing on actionable solutions that address the contemporary challenges facing underserved communities.
Investing in education, infrastructure, and job creation initiatives tailored to specific needs would do far more to empower individuals and foster self-reliance than handouts based on ancestral grievances.
Addressing these issues requires a forward-looking approach that focuses on concrete improvements, not a backward-looking quest for absolution through divisive reparations schemes.
This “Community Commission on Reparations” risks doing little more than digging up ghosts, sowing discord, and leaving everyone worse off.
Other questions are raised such as who will be paying for these “reparations” and what will be the point of them?
How will they benefit anyone?
All these reparations will do is increase taxes in an already outrageously high tax state, and it will continue to make the lives of New York citizens worse.
It is clear that New York is more worried about the past and raising taxes than they are about actually helping the lives of their citizens.
Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire for more updates in the news.