Biden’s policies do nothing but tear the country apart. And Democrats have no problem cheering him on.
But now President Biden is in deep trouble after his betrayal of the U.S. surfaced.
Joe Biden has often displayed his “America Last” foreign policy during his term as President.
He’s chosen to prioritize Ukraine over Hawaii by sending more aid to the eastern European nation than to Maui after the city was hit with devastating wildfires.
Now Biden has been exposed for sending millions of dollars from the American Rescue Plan to Palestine.
“The Biden administration sent $33.7 million from the American Rescue Plan, a spending bill meant to combat COVID, to a Palestinian relief organization that has previously been accused of providing safe harbor to terrorists in Gaza and has been referred to as ‘effectively a branch of Hamas,'” Fox News reports.
The funds officially went to the United Nations Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA) via the State Department’s Migration and Refugee Assistance program.
The program had a total of $500 million that was used for assisting migrants and refugees.
Notoriously, the UNRWA has commended terrorism, helped Hamas by spreading propaganda in schools, and taught children to hate Jewish people.
Former President Donald Trump was aware of the UNRWA’s obvious flaws, and stopped funding them.
Predictably, he was criticized for the move.
President Biden of course decided it was time to begin funding them again and in the summer of 2022, his administration revealed that the UNRWA benefited greatly from American taxpayers, specifically to the tune of $201 million.
“This contribution cements the United States’ status as UNRWA’s largest donor,” said the White House.
“These new funds bring the total United States assistance to UNRWA during the Biden Administration to more than $618 million.”
Wasn’t it not long ago when COVID-19 was deemed one of the largest threats to America?
And wasn’t it not long ago when government officials like Dr. Fauci kept urging U.S. citizens that the pandemic was far from over?
Well, apparently the Biden administration didn’t practice what they preached when they decided it was okay to strip the COVID relief bill (American Rescue Plan) of $33.7 million to help an organization that’s been guilty of aiding terrorists.
And with the recent terrorist attacks in Israel from Hamas (a Palestinian terrorist group), this move by Biden doesn’t back up his many recent statements of support for the Jewish nation.
This also is yet another example of President Biden thinking of Americans last by taking money away from a supposed relief bill that was intended to help them.
Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.