Presidential candidate loses their mind after major update to the 2024 race

robert f kennedy jr

Elections aren’t for the faint of heart. And this politician just learned that the hard way.

As a presidential candidate has lost their mind after a major update to the 2024 race.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump have officially agreed to two debates as of Wednesday.

The first debate will be hosted by CNN on June 27, and the second debate will be hosted by ABC News on September 10.

And while the two candidates’ campaigns were hashing out official details for the debates, another presidential candidate took to X to blast both Biden and Trump.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate for president, was none too pleased about being left out of the debate plans.

“Presidents Trump and Biden are colluding to lock America into a head-to-head match-up that 70% say they do not want,” Kennedy said in his X post.

“They are trying to exclude me from their debate because they are afraid I would win. Keeping viable candidates off the debate stage undermines democracy. Forty-three percent of Americans identify as independents.”

Kennedy can thank Jen O’Malley Dillon, a chair for the Biden/Harris campaign, for her efforts to keep him off the debate stage.

She wrote a letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates and called for Kennedy to not be present, saying that “squandering debate time on candidates with no prospect of becoming president,” should not happen during the debates.

But according to CNN, Dillon may not have the final say on if Kennedy is able to participate. The Leftist news outlet said that anyone who is able to “receive at least 15% in four separate national polls of registered or likely voters that meet CNN’s standards for reporting” is allowed to appear on the debate stage.

As it currently stands, Kennedy is at 10.8% according to a RealClearPolitics polling aggregate.

CNN polls from last month show the independent candidate as high as 16% which is above the 15% threshold required of CNN.

“If Americans are ever going to escape the hammerlock of the two-party system, now is the time to do it. These are the two most unpopular candidates in living memory,” Kennedy continued in his post on X.

“By excluding me from the stage, Presidents Biden and Trump seek to avoid discussion of their eight years of mutual failure including deficits, wars, lockdowns, chronic disease, and inflation.”

Nicole Shanahan, Kennedy’s pick for his running mate, also chimed in on him being left out of the debates. “When @RobertKennedyJr debates these two troubled Presidents, he will win bigly,” she said in a post of her own on X.

The Biden campaign seems especially concerned about possibly having to debate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

They know that there’s no earthly way the 81-year-old president would be able to debate two people at the same time.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.