Biden admin caught using this deceitful election scheme to tear down Trump campaign

joe biden

The Left is doing everything in their power to make sure Donald Trump is defeated this fall. Their using every sneaky tactic in the book to do so.

And the Biden admin was caught using this deceitful election scheme to tear down the Trump campaign.

The Biden-Harris administration is preparing to level accusations against Russia, alleging that the country is interfering in the upcoming presidential election. This tactic mirrors the strategy that Democrats were accused of employing in 2016, where Russian meddling became a central narrative.

According to CNN, “sources familiar with the matter” reveal that the administration is set to target RT, Russia’s state media network, for its role in disseminating propaganda aimed at influencing the electoral outcome. Additionally, the Social Design Agency is said to be involved in the efforts.

This isn’t the first time Russia has faced such allegations. Back in July 2018, a federal grand jury indicted 12 Russian military intelligence officers for their alleged involvement in hacking operations during the 2016 U.S. election.

According to the FBI these officers were part of a “computer hacking conspiracy” that involved unauthorized access to computers of U.S. citizens and organizations connected to the 2016 campaign. The stolen documents were then strategically released to influence the election.

More recently, in May 2023, Special Counsel John Durham issued a report that examined the accusations of Russian collusion made during the 2016 election. His findings pointed to significant failures within the FBI, accusing leadership of showing a “serious lack of analytical rigor.”

Durham also indicated that much of the investigation relied on leads provided or funded by political opponents of Donald Trump, including those connected to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, which had financed the controversial Steele dossier through its law firm, Perkins Coie.

Trump and His Campaign Under Attack

Russia is not the only foreign actor accused of meddling in U.S. elections. Iran has also been implicated in efforts to sway the American electorate. On August 19, a joint statement from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), the FBI, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) accused Iran of hacking into Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign.

They described increasingly aggressive efforts by Tehran, with influence operations targeting the American public and cyberattacks aimed at presidential campaigns. In fact, Iran’s activities are believed to have compromised elements of Trump’s campaign.

Beyond cyberattacks, Iran’s interference has extended to physical threats. Earlier in August, a Pakistani national with ties to Iran was arrested for allegedly plotting to assassinate Trump and other U.S. officials. The FBI identified Asif Merchant, 46, who has family in both Iran and Pakistan, as the key figure behind the plot.

According to court documents, Merchant entered the U.S. after spending time in Iran and soon contacted an individual about the scheme, unaware that this person was a confidential FBI source. In early June, Merchant outlined the details of his assassination plans during a meeting in New York.

U.S. intelligence officials have expressed growing concern about Tehran’s broader efforts to sway the 2024 election. During a press briefing in late July, a senior ODNI official confirmed that Iran is using extensive online networks and propaganda campaigns to spread disinformation on social media, with a clear aim: to ensure that Trump loses.

Iran’s leaders reportedly fear that a second Trump presidency would result in stricter accountability for their regime, driving their desire to influence the outcome.

Dems Use Excuses to Avoid Answering for Low Polling Number

Ever since the Democratic National Convention took place, Vice President Harris hasn’t received the polling boost she was hoping for. She and Donald Trump are still very much in a tight race that could go either way in November.

But as the Biden/Harris admin try and concoct up another Russia/election interference scandal to brush aside this fact, former President Trump and his campaign are facing actual threats from Iran.

Yet the Left wants to continue playing the victim in this case while Trump and his team continue to push forward in their efforts to win the 2024 presidential election.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.