Joe Biden goes on The View and tells the real reason why he dropped out


Biden dropped out of the 2024 race two months ago. He’s just now explaining his motive behind it.

And Joe Biden went on The View and told the real reason why he dropped out.

In a recent appearance on ABC’s “The View,” President Joe Biden gave a halting and somewhat disjointed response when asked about his relationship with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the role she played in his decision to end his campaign for a second term.

In an unexpected revision of events, Biden claimed that Pelosi hadn’t forced him to step down from the race, contradicting the widely reported events that had unfolded just months earlier.

The question was posed by co-host Alyssa Farah, a former White House communications director under Donald Trump. Farah asked Biden, “Did you feel that your hand was forced and what is your relationship with Speaker Pelosi now?”

Biden, 81, began his reply slowly, “My relationship is fine — look, I…” pausing before continuing, “I never fully believed the assertions that somehow there was this overwhelming reluctance to my running again. I didn’t sense that.”

He acknowledged that polling data suggested there was concern but brushed off the significance of it: “And although the polling — they said Biden polling was different. The fact of the matter is, my polling was about where, you know, about always within range of beating this guy.”

The president went on to admit that there were some within the Democratic Party who had wanted him to step aside, saying, “There were some folks who would like to see me step aside so they have a chance to move on. I get that. That’s just human nature. But that wasn’t the reason that I stepped down.”

He attributed his decision to personal reflections about his age, remarking, “I started thinking about it… it’s hard for me to even say how old I am. … It’s like, ‘Holy God, that can’t be right.'”

Despite his comments, Biden’s recollection contradicts the events leading to his withdrawal. After his shaky performance in the June 27 CNN debate against Trump, pressure mounted from top Democratic figures.

On July 21, Biden officially stepped down, succumbing to a wave of demands that he bow out of the race.

Pelosi was a key figure behind this pressure campaign, reportedly telling Biden in private that he needed to withdraw, citing concerns over polling and potential losses for down-ballot Democrats.

For weeks, Biden had resisted calls to retire, expressing his defiance in public remarks. “I was confident I would beat Trump. He’s a loser,” Biden said during the interview, maintaining that he could have won a head-to-head rematch against his Republican rival.

Biden also went on to criticize Trump further, saying there was “not a lot of social redeeming value” in the Republican candidate and that Trump “really does not believe in democracy.”

The interview highlighted Biden’s plans for life after the presidency, as he discussed his ongoing work with the Biden Institutes at the University of Pennsylvania and Delaware. He expressed a desire to continue focusing on policy initiatives in both foreign and domestic realms after he retires on Jan. 20.

Pelosi, meanwhile, has openly acknowledged her role in orchestrating Biden’s exit from the race. When asked about her actions in recent weeks, she simply responded, “I did what I had to do.”

Though Biden’s reflections on the events of his campaign withdrawal offer an alternative narrative, they stand in contrast to the intense internal push from Democratic leaders like Pelosi, who saw the need for a change at the top of the ticket to avoid potential losses in the 2024 election.

It’s obvious to everyone watching on the outside that the president was forced out due to his clear cognitive decline and his awful poll numbers.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.