Biden/Harris admin caught destroying taxpayer dollars in this slimy election scheme

joe biden

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been wasting taxpayer funds for years now. The worst part is, they don’t care about misusing them.

And the Biden/Harris admin was caught destroying taxpayer dollars in this slimy election scheme.

On Friday, the Biden-Harris administration sent out a mass email to millions of Americans, a move raising eyebrows and sparking conversation about its appropriateness.

The email, funded by taxpayer dollars, was distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to individuals subscribed to updates on Medicare, a program utilized by 66 million Americans.

At the heart of the email was a message from President Joe Biden, who praised his administration’s “historic reforms” to Medicare.

The communication made it clear that these reforms, which the Biden administration claims have reduced healthcare costs for seniors and saved taxpayer money, were credited largely to Vice President Kamala Harris. Biden highlighted Harris’s crucial role in passing the Inflation Reduction Act, pointing out that she cast the tie-breaking vote.

The message appeared as both an update on Medicare and a subtle campaign endorsement, as Biden emphasized the administration’s belief that healthcare is “a right,” echoing a common Democratic stance. Some recipients felt the email crossed the line into political campaigning.

One individual told The Daily Wire, “It is nothing but a campaign ad for the Biden Administration and Kamala Harris,” emphasizing the fact that the email specifically highlighted Harris’s pivotal vote.

This email has raised potential legal concerns, as Federal Election Commission (FEC) rules generally prohibit the use of government resources, such as taxpayer-funded agencies, for campaign purposes.

In this case, some see the email as blurring the lines between official communication and political promotion. The White House has yet to comment on these allegations.

Biden’s letter also emphasized the Medicare improvements due to his administration’s Inflation Reduction Act. “These historic reforms are a result of the Inflation Reduction Act that I signed into law and that Vice President Harris cast the tie-breaking vote to secure,” the email states.

It continues to urge recipients to take advantage of these benefits, asserting that both Biden and Harris are working to ensure Americans have “stronger, better Medicare coverage.”

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time the administration has faced criticism over blurring official duties with campaign activity.

Back in June, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) expressed concern over signs near infrastructure projects that read, “Project Funded By President Joe Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.”

In a letter to the Office of Special Counsel, Cruz labeled these signs as “nothing more than campaign yard signs courtesy of the American taxpayer,” raising the question of whether the administration was violating the Hatch Act, which prohibits using taxpayer dollars for campaign purposes.

More recently, some political observers questioned whether the Federal Reserve’s decision to cut interest rates for the first time during the Biden-Harris administration, just weeks before an election, was politically motivated.

Former President Donald Trump chimed in, suggesting the cut could either indicate a struggling economy or be a tactic to boost the Democratic campaign.

As more eyes turn to the actions of the Biden-Harris administration, scrutiny will likely increase, especially when taxpayer dollars are at play.

Whether this latest email violates FEC guidelines or the Hatch Act remains to be seen, but it’s clear that some recipients feel the boundaries between governance and campaigning may have been blurred in this case.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.