
cnn hq

CNN HQ is on fire after being hit with the worst news possible

The Left-leaning media is in a complete freefall. They can see the writing on the wall, and it isn't good. And now CNN HQ is...
Tucker Carlson

Tucker Carlson gets the last laugh in his war against Fox News

Cable news giant Fox News thought they could ruin Tucker Carlson forever by firing. But they've got another thing coming. Because Tucker Carlson just got...
Hunter Biden

Dan Bongino exposes a Biden family secret you won’t want to miss

As a former secret service agent under Obama, Bongino has had his share of run-ins with Biden. Now he's telling all. And Dan Bongino exposed...
Tucker Carlson

Watch: Tucker Carlson finally breaks his silence on split with Fox

The sudden firing of Tucker Carlson from Fox News took everyone by surprise. And Tucker is setting the record straight. And you have to watch...
ron desantis

Top Republican targeted in devastating attack

You can't get very far in politics without making a few enemies. But this goes beyond the normal name-calling. And this top Republican was targeted...
Donald Trump

Donald Trump just solved a major puzzle for Joe Biden with one reality check

Joe Biden and the Democrats have a real problem on their hands. But Trump just solved it. Because Trump hit Joe Biden with a reality...
hunter biden

Hunter Biden caught using the White House for this awful act

The first son has been a thorn in the side of the Biden family for years. His behavior and scandals know no bounds. And Hunter...
ted cruz

Ted Cruz lowered the boom on this Leftist plot

Senator Ted Cruz has long been a staunch defender of conservatism. Now he's not taking any prisoners. And Ted Cruz lowered the boom on this...
alvin bragg

This video will derail the Democrats’ corrupt schemes to convict Trump

The Democrats have been exposed. And they never could've seen it coming. Because this video will derail the Democrats' corrupt schemes to convict Trump. A ton...
xi jinping

Joe Biden ordered a stand-down that played right into China’s hand

America's military is a shell of its former self under Biden. Joe wants to hand away our power on a silver platter. And Joe Biden...


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