Chuck Schumer is furious after this Democrat Senate candidate choked away the election

chuck schumer

The presidential election isn’t the only major contest this November. Democrats are also desperately trying to win elections in the Senate to keep their thin majority.

And Chuck Schumer is furious after this Democrat Senate candidate choked away the election.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has a major task on his hands. He needs to fight tooth and nail to help Democrats win key Senate races so that they can keep their majority in the upper chamber of Congress.

But as it stands, the polls aren’t looking so great for them right now. And to make matters worse, a recent debate between a hotly contested Senate seat in Montana, shows that Schumer and his fellow Democrats are in serious trouble.

Tim Sheehy Wipes The Floor With Democrat Sen. Tester During Debate

In a debate that brought critical issues to the forefront, Republican challenger Tim Sheehy made a strong case against incumbent Sen. Jon Tester (D) in Montana’s U.S. Senate race on Monday night.

Tester, who is seeking reelection amid a challenging political environment, found himself on the defensive as the two candidates clashed over a range of topics, including abortion, border security, and housing prices.

One of Sheehy’s most impactful moments came when he compared his military service in Afghanistan to what he described as Tester’s coziness with Washington lobbyists.

“Sen. Tester knows all about backroom meetings; he’s been taking them for 20 years as the number-one recipient of lobbyist cash,” Sheehy stated. “So if you want to talk about backroom meetings: while I was fighting in Afghanistan, he was eating lobbyist steak in D.C.”

Housing prices and the federal government’s involvement in the housing market were also key points of contention. Sheehy expressed skepticism about further federal intervention, arguing that it often exacerbates problems rather than solving them.

“I think the federal government getting involved more in housing projects, as we see, if you want the problem to get worse, then hand more of it to the federal government,” Sheehy remarked. He further warned that Congress meddling in the housing market would “usually end up making things worse.” Drawing a parallel to student loans, he added, “We’ve seen that in education where we started federally backing student loans that have driven the cost of education through the roof.”

Turning his focus to Montana, Sheehy pointed out that while some communities in the state have thrived, others are struggling. He attributed this to a combination of federal interference and slow building regulations, which have hampered development.

On the issue of abortion, SBA Pro-Life America scrutinized Tester for his lack of a clear stance on whether there should be a single national law on abortion. The organization pointed out that Tester previously supported a measure they described as a “national all-trimester abortion mandate” that would override state-level pro-life protections.

Border security also became a hot topic during the debate, with Sheehy launching a scathing critique of the Biden administration’s handling of the U.S. southern border. “Senate Democrats and White House Democrats created this border crisis,” Sheehy declared, contrasting the current state of the border with the more secure conditions during the Trump administration. “We had a secure border four years ago. Donald Trump handed a sealed border to the Biden-Harris administration.”

Sheehy went on to accuse Vice President Kamala Harris and Senate Democrats, including Tester, of neglecting their responsibility to address the surge in illegal border crossings. “Kamala Harris, the border czar, with the help of her friends on the hill, like Sen. Tester and Chuck Schumer, opened the border wide open for three years, left it open,” he said.

Though he acknowledged Tester’s long service in the Senate, Sheehy didn’t hold back from reminding voters of Tester’s controversial decisions, including his votes to impeach former President Donald Trump twice and his statement on CNN suggesting that Trump should be physically attacked.

Recent polling data suggests Sheehy’s candidacy is gaining momentum. Newsweek recently reported that Sheehy has steadily improved his chances of unseating Tester, noting that a recent Napolitan News survey showed Sheehy leading Tester among likely voters, 50 percent to 43 percent.

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