Democrat governor just told his citizens the most despicable thing they’ll ever hear

Colorado's Democrat Governor Jared Polis

The Left is never able to take accountability for their wrongs. They’re constantly trying to blame others for their mistakes.

And this Democrat governor just told his citizens the most despicable thing they’ll ever hear.

Colorado’s Democrat Governor Jared Polis has come under scrutiny for downplaying the alarming reports of violent, armed migrant gangs taking control of apartment buildings in Aurora. Despite video footage and confirmation from Aurora’s own mayor, Mike Coffman, Polis has mocked the claims, dismissing them as exaggerated.

This week, a video showing migrants openly carrying firearms in the halls of an Aurora apartment complex went viral. These migrants are reportedly linked to the notorious Venezuelan street gang, Tren de Aragua, which has gained a foothold in the U.S. amid the ongoing border crisis under the Biden-Harris administration.

Reports suggest that these gang members have forcefully occupied multiple apartment buildings in Aurora, demanding rent payments directly from residents instead of allowing them to pay landlords.

Despite the clear evidence, Governor Polis remains skeptical. His spokesperson, Shelby Wieman, emphasized that the state is prepared to assist local law enforcement if necessary.

However, she downplayed the seriousness of the situation, claiming the gang invasion is a fabrication, primarily a result of Aurora council member Danielle Jurinsky’s imagination.

Wieman pointed out that, according to police intelligence, the so-called invasion is largely fiction. She also cited a decrease in crime rates in Aurora between 2022 and 2023.

Additionally, the governor’s office took aim at local officials, criticizing their remarks about the city’s safety and claiming they were doing more harm than good by “trashing their own city.”

However, Polis’ dismissive stance doesn’t align with comments from Aurora’s Mayor Mike Coffman, who confirmed that several apartment complexes in the city have indeed become gang strongholds.

“There are several buildings that have fallen to these Venezuelan gangs,” Coffman told Fox News. He added that these buildings were part of state-funded migrant housing, which made them vulnerable to the gang’s takeover.

Council member Jurinsky, one of the most vocal critics of the situation, placed the blame firmly on the Biden-Harris administration and Denver’s permissive sanctuary policies.

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, she stressed that this issue is not unique to Aurora but stems from broader failures in managing the southern border crisis. “This is a problem that is not just a Denver Metro area problem… [it] stems from a failed southern border,” Jurinsky remarked.

Jurinsky warned that the issue could tarnish the reputation of other municipalities if not addressed swiftly. “We need to get other agencies involved because this is something that could potentially put a black eye on the organization or the city or the area that you represent,” she added.

Former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) field office director and current Colorado Republican congressional candidate John Fabbricatore also weighed in, sharply criticizing Polis for dismissing the gang problem as fiction. “So now Jared Polis believes this is all made-up theatre. Yes, Governor, we hired a Hollywood director and filmed this to make you look bad. – No, the Biden/Harris administration caused this problem, and you advocated for it,” Fabbricatore said in a post on X.

Fabbricatore didn’t stop at criticism; he actively helped an elderly woman move out of one of the apartment buildings taken over by the gang earlier this week. Jurinsky was present as Fabbricatore and a group of volunteers assisted the resident in fleeing the increasingly dangerous complex. More residents, fed up with the escalating violence, have begun moving out as well.

One such resident, Cindy Romero, expressed her relief at finally leaving the troubled area. “It’s been a nightmare, and I can’t wait to get out of here,” she said while packing up her belongings.

As tensions mount, Polis’ refusal to acknowledge the growing issue has left many residents of Aurora concerned for their safety, while local leaders continue to call for a more serious response to the unfolding crisis.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.