Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was EXPOSED for financing this foreign agent

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

AOC has made it clear that she does not stand with American principles. Her latest actions are nothing short of despicable.

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was EXPOSED for financing this foreign agent.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has made a name for herself in Congress for pushing a radical socialist agenda meant to transform the country.

She has said the United States has “more than enough” to care for the over six million illegal immigrants that have poured into the country since Joe Biden took office, signaling she does not want to secure the border

She has pushed her “Green New Deal” which would make petroleum-based energy sources exorbitantly more expensive and subsidize the most inefficient “eco-friendly” alternatives.

She even identifies herself as a “Democratic Socialist” for crying out loud. That should raise alarms for anyone who isn’t blind, deaf, or dumb.

All of this is probably why she has no qualms about messing around with registered foreign agents if it helps her political career.

AOC and a handful of other federal legislators, including two Democrats and one Republican, have paid thousands of dollars in campaign contributions to a Chinese foreign agent, according to a Fox News Digital investigation of campaign finance records.

Reps. Kevin Mullin (D-CA), Grace Meng (D-NY), and Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) joined Ocasio-Cortez in channeling campaign funds to Sing Tao U.S., a subsidiary of Hong Kong-based Sing Tao News Corporation Ltd, for advertising expenses during the midterm election season.

In other words, the campaigns had paid money to a Chinese-owned firm that the Department of Justice required to register as a Chinese foreign agent in August 2021, as tensions between Washington and Beijing mounted.

The campaigns had all disbursed their funds to the corporation after the DOJ found that Sing Tao U.S. constituted foreign political activity.

During the midterm election cycle, Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign spent nearly $1,500 on advertisements with Sing Tao Newspapers after registering as a foreign agent, while Reps. Mullin, Meng, and Malliotakis paid between $1,000 and $7,000 to various Sing Tao entities as part of their campaign advertising expenses, according to Federal Election Commission filings.

Chinese language magazines in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles are part of Sing Tao’s US operations. In addition, it has a radio station in Burlingame, California.

While the Sing Tao United States has maintained its independence from Chinese Communist Party influence, China’s government has one of the “world’s most restrictive media environments, relying on censorship to control information in the news, online, and on social media,” according to the Council on Foreign Relations.

As part of its tight-knit media control program, the Chinese government has restricted media access to its population, monitored and censored publications, and imprisoned dissident journalists.

If you missed that, AOC was just caught paying Chinese foreign agents to peddle her socialist rhetoric and advertisements during elections.

There’s nothing illegal about this, per se.

However, rubbing shoulders with those who are beholden to Communist dictators to advance your agenda in America is no doubt a bad look.

But what else would you expect from someone who blames America for the woes of socialist and Communist regimes worldwide?

Stay tuned to the Federalist Wire.