Biden turns his back on U.S. troops in this disgusting way

Taking care of Americans is the last thing President Biden has on his mind. It’s like he goes out of his way to put them on the back-burner of his priorities.

And Biden turns his back on U.S. troops in this disgusting way.

On Christmas Day, United States soldiers were hit with a drone attack in northern Iraq.

The attack was led by Kataib Hezbollah terrorists and resulted in the injury of three U.S. troops. One of the three soldiers was critically injured.

But instead of making any sort of comment about the attack, President Joe Biden chose to remain silent.

He instead issued several posts on X that wished Americans a “Happy Kwanzaa.”

“Jill and I wish a very Happy Kwanzaa to all those celebrating across America and around the world. May your homes be filled with hope, peace, and light,” Biden’s post from his official @POTUS account said.

“To everyone celebrating, Jill and I wish you a joyous Kwanzaa,” Biden also said on his personal X account.

After Biden (or the intern who likely uses social media for the 81-year-old president) made the posts on X, he left for yet another vacation, this time to the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The December 25 attacks by the Iran-backed terrorists, is the first time a United States soldier was critically injured from attacks on troops stationed in the region since October 17.

The attacks also come after the Kataib Hezbollah militants warned that they would strike U.S. forces if Israel (an ally of the United States’) were to invade Gaza after the Hamas terrorist attack on the Jewish nation on October 7.

There have now been over 100 attacks against United States troops in the region, but President Biden has only ordered less than 10 strikes back to Kataib Hezbollah terrorists.

Most of those counterstrikes have been towards facilities that hold weapons and ammunition.

Biden’s military response to this situation is a discussion for another time, but his clear lack of empathy for the three American serviceman who were wounded in the Christmas Day attacks, is unacceptable.

At the very least, he could have issued a social media post expressing well wishes for the wounded troops or made a short statement to the press.

But let’s not kid ourselves; he likely has never sent a social media post on his own without at least some sort of help.

That means the staff in his administration should also be on the hot seat for this critical error.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.