Biden’s heartless statement to disaster victims just sank his campaign

Joe Biden

President Biden has been a gaffe machine for years. But this one takes the cake.

And Biden’s heartless statement to disaster victims just sank his campaign.

On Monday, President Joe Biden made time out of his hectic vacation schedule to visit Maui, the Hawaiian island devastated by wildfires on August 8.

The fires ripped through the town of Lahaina, and nearly 1,000 people are still missing, with an official death toll of 114.

Many of the victims are believed to be children who were home alone since schools were closed due to power shortages. Residents greeted the president with venom and hostility.

The administration’s response to the fires was deemed inadequate at best.

During a speech decked up in leis, Biden contrasted the Maui fires, which damaged 2,200 homes, displaced almost 5,000 people, and have a growing death toll, to a tiny kitchen fire he himself had.

“I don’t want to compare difficulties,” he said, “but we have a little sense, Jill and I, of what it’s like to lose a home. Years ago, now 15 years ago, I was in Washington, doing Meet the Press.

“A sunny Sunday, and lightning struck at home on a little lake that’s outside of our home, not a lake a big pond. And hit a wire that came up underneath our home that hit the heating duct, an air conditioning duct. To make a long story short, I almost lost my wife, my ’67 Corvette, and my cat.

“All kidding aside, I watched the firefighters, the way they responded. There’s an old expression, I grew up right across the street from a fire hall, Claymont, Delaware. And the expression is ‘God made man, and then he made a few firefighters.’ You’re all crazy, thank God. The only people who run into flames to help other people.

“And they ran into the flames, saved my wife, saved my family. No joke,” he said.

He went on to say that they were displaced from their home for half a year and he can “only imagine” what it’s like to lose a home.

Those in Lahaina lost much more than their homes; they also lost their children, families, and maybe their property.

Some families were discovered huddled together, burned to death in cars while attempting to flee.

A woman described finding her 14-year-old son, who was clutching the dead family dog, charred to death in the ruins of their home.

Yeah, Biden, you really escaped the jaws of death with your minor electrical fire.

Meanwhile, an entire community has been wiped off the map, and he has to make sure he gets his time in the sun on the beach.

What a sad day for Hawaii. And a terrible day for Biden’s poll numbers.

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