Joe Biden is sweating bullets after getting blindsided by this 2024 news

ron desantis

The future of the Biden presidency is dangling by a thread. And America may have just gotten its answer.

And now Joe Biden is sweating bullets after getting blindsided by this 2024 news.

Even Democrats admit that Joe Biden’s presidency has been unmitigated disaster.

Of course, they have to pretend that everything is going great or else risk backlash from other Democrat politicians.

But it’s obvious to anyone who has been paying attention that the nation is struggling with Biden at the helm.

Thanks to him, inflation still remains at record highs, with no indication that it will slow up.

Millions of illegal immigrants are pouring over the border every year.

The Chinese are spying on Americans through apps, hacks, and even balloons flying over our homeland.

And we learn more and more every day that the Federal Government has been weaponized to target conservative speech and ideas.

It’s no wonder many polls are showing Biden’s approval rating in the toilet and matchup polls with Biden against different conservatives in 2024 show him losing the presidency.

Now there’s even more fuel being added to the fire as one of the most popular Republican choice’s is signaling he will throw his hat in the ring.

According to a source, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis has told friends privately that he plans to run for president later this year.

While DeSantis, 44, has not publicly stated his intention to run for president in 2024, the Washington Post reported on Thursday that in recent private chats with associates, the governor of Florida has described his presidential candidacy as an inevitability.

DeSantis, who was re-elected in a landslide last November, is not likely to launch his candidacy for president in 2024 until the Florida state legislative session concludes in May.

According to the Washington Post, preparations for his projected presidential run are already underway.

The site also noted a pro-DeSantis super PAC created on Thursday by former Trump administration official Ken Cuccinelli is likely to act as a permitted outside expenditure vehicle for DeSantis’s 2024 campaign.

Cuccinelli’s NEVER BACK DOWN PAC is one of four political action organizations attempting to recruit DeSantis to run for president in 2024.

Cuccinelli, who was acting director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services under former President Donald Trump, stated Thursday that “grassroots conservatives see the governor as a leader and a fighter with a winning conservative track record who will lead the Republican Party to victory in 2024.”

“Based on those conversations, I am most confident that we will build an unmatched grassroots political army for Governor DeSantis to help carry him to the White House,” he added.

DeSantis is expected to visit Iowa on Friday and Nevada on Saturday as part of his book tour. Both are early nominating states in the Republican presidential primary in 2024.

He is also scheduled to visit New Hampshire later this month.

According to the Washington Post, the Florida governor ended his victorious gubernatorial re-election campaign with more than $70 million in campaign finances to spare, and more high-dollar contributions are expected in the first two months of 2023.

His aides are apparently looking into methods to use the money in a presidential campaign, such as shifting it to a pro-DeSantis super PAC.

Polls show DeSantis would be Trump’s most formidable opponent in the GOP primary in 2024.

RealClearPolitics shows the 76-year-old former president has 45% support in early surveys, while DeSantis has 29% support.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.