NYC Mayor Eric Adams caught in this disturbing act by a GOP congresswoman

eric adams

The Democrat Party has a lot of skeletons in its closet. And they’re starting to fall right out.

And NYC Mayor Eric Adams was caught in this disturbing act by a GOP congresswoman.

Mayor Eric Adams of New York City has come under fire after unveiling tentative plans to host illegal immigrants in public schools over the summer.

“Our schools and educational resources should be dedicated to our children, not diverted to support unvetted migrants who are entering our country illegally,” Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., told The Daily Signal.

Since last spring, New York City has struggled to provide housing and services for more than 84,000 illegal aliens seeking asylum who have come through the city’s intake system.

“As Mayor Adams has said repeatedly, we have more than 51,800 asylum seekers in our care and have reached capacity,” a spokesperson for City Hall told The Daily Signal in a prepared statement Friday. “While this option is not ideal, none are, and we are in no position to take anything off the table.”

The mayor’s office says that between 20 and 30 schools are being explored as possible summer shelters for illegal immigrants.

According to the New York Post, among the schools being evaluated for housing the migrants are New Dorp High School on Staten Island, Mark Twain Middle School for the Gifted and Talented in Brooklyn, and Russell Sage Middle School in Queens.

Tenney, on the other hand, believes Adams, a Democrat, “should not be putting our students’ safety at risk by using our schools and educational resources to compensate for the Biden administration’s negligence at the border.”

Customs and Border Protection has encountered over 5 million illegal aliens along America’s southwest border since President Joe Biden took office.

Since the start of fiscal year 2023 in October, CBP has encountered 1.6 million illegal aliens, compared to 458,088 in fiscal year 2020, the Trump administration’s final full year.

Adams should “refuse to allow illegal immigrants to be housed at our schools,” Tenney said, adding that the mayor should “take further action to make clear that those who travel here illegally will not receive taxpayer-subsidized housing under New York City’s ‘right to shelter’ policy, which was never intended to be applied in this context.”

The “right to shelter” policy in New York mandates the city to offer shelter to any homeless person or family that wants it.

New York City is also a “sanctuary city,” which means it will not deport migrants who are in the country unlawfully, which has likely contributed to the influx of migrants who have crossed the border illegally.

“Housing illegal immigrants in schools is unacceptable and irresponsible,” Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., told The Daily Signal.

“This is another failed attempt from Eric Adams to deal with the illegal immigration crisis created by his ‘sanctuary city’ policies and Biden’s border crisis. Unlike Democrats, who are doing everything in their power to worsen this crisis, House Republicans passed a strong border security bill as well as legislation condemning and prohibiting the use of school facilities from being used to house illegal immigrants.”

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered buses full of illegal immigrants to New York City. Adams has criticized Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, another Republican who has moved illegal immigrants to sanctuary communities governed by Democrats.

Adams’ suggestion this week is not the first time the mayor has urged that illegal immigrants be housed in school facilities. He said in May that the city was thinking about using school gymnasiums to shelter refugees.

“We have 20 stand-alone gymnasiums throughout the city,” Adams said in an interview with WPIX-TV’s “Morning News.” “They stand alone. They’re not a part of the school building. They are on the list of potential locations that we may have to use.”

The press office of New York City Public Schools did not respond to The Daily Signal’s request for comment.

Adams’ decision comes less than a week after CBP reported an increase in the number of appointments for migrants claiming asylum at ports of entry via the CBP One mobile app. CBP is now offering $1,450 per day, up from $1,250 previously. CBP used to take 1,000 appointments per day.

“CBP is expanding the number of available appointments at ports of entry for the second time in less than two months, through scheduling enhancements and operational efficiencies,” Troy Miller, a senior official performing the duties of commissioner, said in a statement June 30.

“By utilizing innovative technologies like CBP One, we are improving the delivery of our homeland security mission and providing for safe and efficient processes at ports of entry.”

According to Mark Morgan, the acting commissioner of Customs and Border Protection during the Trump administration, illegal aliens are currently being released into the country after seeking asylum under the Biden government.

“It doesn’t matter if you illegally enter in between the ports of entry, or you walk up to a port of entry, and you’re otherwise inadmissible [lacking a visa, passport, or other legal document for entry],” Morgan said.

“If you claim asylum, under this administration, you are processed and released in the United States.”

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