The White House just confirmed sad news about Joe Biden

joe biden

Americans have been concerned for Joe Biden since he took office. Now we know those concerns were well placed.

Because the White House just confirmed sad news about Joe Biden.

Joe Biden has gotten worse over time. He’s mostly just been performing ceremonial things, like recognizing Women’s History Month, but he still struggles to get through even the most straightforward events.

As we reported, he made some odd remarks regarding his wife Jill and LGBTQ individuals on Wednesday when he held the Women’s History event. Jill was referred to be the “first full-time lady” by the speaker. Also, he claimed that she had written him a letter on his mirror that appeared to be sorrowful and wrote, “Stop trying to make me love you.” Yikes. He also made an interesting comment later on when he was attempting to appease various factions in the room, but oddly brought up the “LGBTQ survivors.”

He also said he would disarm “domestic political advisers,” which was another major error that the White House is working to correct.

That’s actually sort of funny, but still sad to see.

But, he should have said “convicted domestic abusers.” How do you pronounce “domestic political advisers” after reading that from the teleprompter?

The event’s official transcript had to be modified.

Yet on Thursday, during another formal occasion honoring the anniversary of the adoption of the Affordable Care Act, he was back to those “what the heck did he say” moments even as they tried to correct him.

Biden remarked incoherently, “History is made when women decide that the risk of accepting a reality they cannot bear outweighs the steeling of our spine and embracing the promise of change, and no one has more in her spine than Nancy Pelosi.”

This was pure bewilderment, and he wasn’t even aware that it was confusion; it couldn’t have said that on the teleprompter. What the hell is going through Pelosi’s spine? What in the world is he even talking about? When you see things like that, it becomes obvious that he won’t be ready for the 2024 race.

While Biden was attempting to discuss prescription medications, a baby crying in the White House audience caused him to veer slightly from his prepared remarks. He then experienced another embarrassing incident. It was okay, he claimed, because he likes “babies better than people.”

Also, he appeared to be trying to sniff the infant while holding it, which was the offspring of Rep. Jimmy Gomez (D-CA).

He is now in Canada to meet with Justin Trudeau, and who knows how he will humiliate us there. He has already had one evening meeting, and the later it gets, the greater his problems are.

We are, regrettably, at that point with him. Who can predict what he’ll say next?

But the White House has accepted this reality and has basically confirmed that Joe Biden is mentally unwell. That’s exactly why they are rewriting his transcripts to fit what they would like him to have said.

Stay tuned to the Federalist Wire.