The White House sounds the alarm after one Biden official’s secret has been leaked

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin

Skeletons in closets are easily revealed when working in Washington, D.C. Nothing is undisclosed.

And the White House sounds the alarm after one Biden official’s secret has been leaked.

Tragedy almost struck after Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had a medical emergency on January 1st of this year.

That emergency led to Austin being hospitalized for two weeks due to a complication that came as a result from a prostatectomy he received on December 22.

The 70-year-old Defense Secretary landed himself into controversy after not informing the White House of his hospitalization until January 4.

But the secrecy from Austin apparently has more layers to it.

According to a 911 recording from January 1 that The Daily Beast obtained, one of Austin’s staffers called for an ambulance and asked for it to not have any lights or sirens on when they came to pick up Austin. This was an attempt at keeping his medical condition as classified as possible.

“Can I ask – can the ambulance not show up with lights and sirens?” the staffer said.

“Um, we’re trying to remain a little subtle.”

The 911 operator said that they would make that request and also added that “usually when they turn into a residential neighborhood, they’ll turn them off.”

Austin’s pattern of secrecy is what has brought about the troubles he currently faces.

Both Republican and Democrat legislators have publicly called for him to resign from his post.

However, despite not being informed until January 4 that Austin was in the hospital or that he had temporarily given his authority to Deputy Secretary Kathleen Hicks, President Joe Biden has every intention of keeping the Defense Secretary in his role.

On January 9, it was fully revealed what exactly Austin was dealing with medically.

Doctors at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center announced in a statement that he has prostate cancer, which was why he underwent a prostatectomy back in late December.

“Secretary Austin’s prostate cancer was treated early and effectively, and his prognosis is excellent,” the doctors said.

“He has no planned further treatment for his cancer other than regular post-prostatectomy surveillance.”

Austin’s lack of transparency is further evidence that the Biden administration is an utter train-wreck.

But that’s no surprise given who the head of that administration is .

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.