This disgraced Republican just made an outrageous claim you’ll never believe

mitt romney

Many politicians have a knack for angering their constituents. But some are better at it than others.

And this disgraced Republican just made an outrageous claim you’ll never believe.

Ukraine has been at war with Russia for almost two years now.

And Joe Biden has insisted on sending billions of taxpayer dollars to assist Ukraine.

In fact, his administration has sent them over $200 billion.

And U.S. Senator Mitt Romney, couldn’t agree more with these transactions.

“Republican Senator Mitt Romney praised the Biden administration for sending billions of dollars of taxpayer funds to aid Ukraine in the nation’s war against Russia. In fact, Romney asserted that ‘it’s the best national defense spending I think we’ve ever done'” said The Post Millennial.

Romney also had this to say about war, “The single most important thing we can do to strengthen ourselves relative to China is to see Russia defeated in Ukraine. Because they are allies, and Russia being weakened weakens their ally, China.”

“It is very much in America’s national interest in our national interest to help Ukraine. And the best thing we can do for America is to see people who have nuclear weapons and that is getting weaker.”

Senator Romney also mentioned that the United States is actually spending a small amount of money on the war compared to what is usually spent on national defense.

“It’s like, so, we’re diminishing and devastating the Russian military uh for a very small amount of money relative to what we spend on the rest of defense.”

$200 billion is no small amount.

And with more funds to Ukraine being proposed by the Biden Administration, Americans are wondering if there’s an end in sight.

That’s especially true for the people in Hawaii who have been devastated by the Maui wildfires or for those who have struggled financially from soaring inflation.

Just a few weeks ago when referencing aid to Maui, Biden stated, “We’re laser-focused on getting aid to survivors, including Critical Needs Assistance: a one-time $700 payment per household offering relief during an unimaginably difficult time.”

$700 is a slap in the face to the victims of the wildfires, considering $900 per household is going to Ukraine.

But Mitt Romney is more than willing to support President Biden’s efforts to prioritize foreign citizens over American citizens.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.