U.S. Senator John Fetterman brand new to the Congressional Upper Chamber. And he’s already making waves.
Because John Fetterman has confused everyone with these eyebrow-raising comments about Trump.
Democrat U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania John Fetterman has lost a lot of goodwill he had with his voter base in the short seven months he’s been in office.
He was surprisingly elected despite his severe health issues and his voters were willing to give him a chance to prove that he’s actually doing as well as he says he is since his stroke.
But, what do you know? The Democrat Party in Pennsylvania lied to their voters.
Quickly, all of America saw how unfit Fetterman was and is for office as he got checked in and out of a hospital multiple times.
Fetterman recently gave an interview to the New York Times hoping to improve his stature and regain some trust from his own base, but that has backfired big time.
Mostly due to these extremely confusing comments he had about former President and leading Presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Fetterman was asked by the New York Times what he thought about the Trump indictments and how that might play out in the 2024 election cycle.
The U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania seemingly came to the defense of Trump in a weird backwards way.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m a senator, and I’m not sure how many times he’s been indicted. He’s been impeached twice. Has that changed anything? You’re still seeing Trump signs everywhere in Pennsylvania,” Fetterman shared with the New York Times.
We’re not sure why he had to say “I’m a senator” when asked about Donald Trump’s indictments, but it is interesting to see how he points out how loyal Trump’s fanbase is and how resilient that makes him.
Fetterman went on to say that he believes Trump will be “very competitive” in Pennsylvania if he wins the Republican nomination.
“Trump would be very competitive in Pennsylvania. But Trump has to perform above his ceiling. I think there’s a hard ceiling in Pennsylvania he can’t get past,” Mr. Fetterman added.
Those comments certainly make it seem like he carries a lot more respect for Donald Trump than the vast majority of the Democrat Party.
At the end of the day though, Fetterman made it clear in the interview that he wants Joe Biden to get another term.
When asked about Joe Biden’s age and his mental health, Fetterman said he’s “not concerned” and even asked “who cares?” if he was concerned about it.
“I’m not concerned about his age. And even if I was, who cares?” Senator Fetterman said of Joe Biden.
He even tried to claim that Biden is “sharp” and “absolutely up to the task,” which is surprising considering how few Americans actually believe Biden is mentally sharp.
Stay tuned to the Federalist Wire.