Radical leftism is spreading around the country. But thanks to Joe Biden, that spread is happening quicker than anticipated.
And a Biden-appointed judge just made a ruling that sent Republicans’ heads spinning.
Parental rights in education have been a major cultural battle over the past few years.
Many parents are concerned that their children are being taught sexually explicit material at an inappropriate age.
And recently in Montgomery County, Maryland, parents were told by a judge that they couldn’t opt their kids out of LGBTQ+ material being read in schools.
“A federal court in Maryland decided Thursday that parents can’t opt their kids out of reading books with LGBTQ+ content in Montgomery Count Schools” Fox News said.
“In Tamer Mahmoud v. Monica B. McKnight, parents sought to reinstate a MCPS policy that would allow them to opt their children out of reading and discussing books with LGBTQ+ characters in elementary schools. The parents argued the content in these books was a form of indoctrination that violated their families’ religious beliefs.”
Judge Deborah L. Boardman, appointed by President Biden, came down with the ruling.
Judge Boardman said that the parents’ “asserted due process right to direct their children’s upbringing by opting out of a public-school curriculum that conflicts with their religious views is not a fundamental right.”
Boardman also shot down a preliminary injunction request by the parents to opt their kids out once school starts.
This isn’t a new fight between parents and schools in Montgomery County.
Last year, the school added 22 books to classrooms with homosexual characters for diversity purposes.
“The controversy arose last year when Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) introduced more than 22 new books featuring LGBTQ+ characters into classrooms as part of a diversity initiative” according to Fox News.
“Initially, the school district notified parents when these materials would be used in class and permitted them to opt their kids out from instruction involving these books, as they can with other portions of the curriculum. But in March, the district changed its policy and announced that parents would no longer have that right.”
These books that children could potentially be reading are for preschool up until eighth grade classrooms.
That is entirely too young of an age range for subject material like gay pride parades, transgenderism, and pronouns, all which are featured in the books.
To make matters worse, the school district in Montgomery County has been the subject of several instances of sexual abuse, including a track coach who was arrested for sexual assault of a child.
Leftists will ignore heinous crimes like that, so long as they can push the homosexual agenda on children around the country.
And they won’t let parents get in their way.
Stay tuned The Federalist Wire.