Insane new footage shows Biden actively trying to sabotage Kamala Harris’s campaign

joe biden

Biden and Harris are supposed to be allies. Shockingly, that’s no longer the case.

And this insane new footage shows Biden actively trying to sabatoge Kamala Harris’s campaign.

President Joe Biden is facing accusations of attempting to sabotage Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign for the White House.

The claims have sparked discussion across media platforms, particularly after a recent press conference where Biden addressed Harris’s role in managing ongoing national issues.

During the press conference on Friday, a reporter posed a question to Biden, asking how Harris had contributed to handling recent crises and “what role she has played over the past several days,” as seen in video footage.

“I’m in constant contact with her,” Biden responded. “She’s aware… we’re singing from the same song sheet. She helped pass all the laws that are being employed now. She was a major player in everything we’ve done, including passage of legislation in which we were told we could never pass.”


Biden went on to emphasize the close collaboration between their teams, stating, “Her staff is interlocked with mine in terms of all the things we’re doing.”

Shortly after these remarks, CNN senior pundit Scott Jennings took to social media to express his view on Biden’s comments.

“He is literally trying to destroy her campaign and it’s just incredible,” Jennings posted.

The statement ignited a wave of reactions online. One user echoed Jennings, commenting, “I think he wants her to lose.”

Another user added, “He finally knows exactly what he’s doing,” while another suggested, “She’s destroying it all on her own.”

The phrase “singing from the same song sheet” in Biden’s comments also attracted attention.

In a related report from Breitbart News, the outlet had previously noted that Harris’s campaign had been accused of borrowing policy ideas from Biden’s campaign website shortly after her presidential bid was launched.

“As Breitbart News noted, Harris finally posted a set of policies on Sunday, after weeks of criticism for not having one on her campaign website,” the article stated.

“The policies were published just 48 hours before the presidential campaign’s first — and likely only — debate on Tuesday evening on ABC (at 9:00 p.m. ET).”

The timing of Biden’s briefing also raised eyebrows. According to the Daily Wire, his appearance occurred just as Harris was taking the stage for a rally in Detroit, Michigan.

CNN had planned to switch coverage to Harris’s rally, but Biden’s press briefing took center stage instead, leading the network to comment that Biden’s presence was “clearly overshadowing” Harris’s moment.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.