The Biden campaign is in hysterics after this disturbing news was leaked

joe biden

Winning re-election is nothing close to a guarantee for Joe Biden. He’s about to find out just how hard this race is going to be.

And the Biden campaign is in hysterics after this disturbing news was leaked.

President Joe Biden isn’t universally loved by the Left like he’d hope to be up to this point.

He even has several Democrat challengers running against him for the presidency.

Most notably, is Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

One of Kennedy’s biggest complaints about Biden, is his handling of the COVID pandemic which was rooted in Marxist-based mandates that took away freedoms from Americans.

Kennedy has also attacked the Democrat National Convention (DNC) for not including primary debates so he can make Biden try and defend his record as President.

But now he’s had enough with the Democrat Party all together.

Sources within his campaign told Mediaite that he now plans to run as an Independent.

“Bobby feels that the DNC is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy, so an independent run is the only way to go,” the campaign source said.

The announcement from Kennedy will likely occur on October 9 in Pennsylvania.

His campaign team is also planning to produce ads attacking the DNC for their biased treatment against him.

Radical leftists in the party are predictably critical of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s bid for the White House.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) said that Kennedy’s campaign “peddles anti-semitic tropes and baseless xenophobic conspiracy theories, which together are directed at the Jewish community and the Chinese-American community.”

Of course, this would be a disaster for Joe Biden.

He can’t afford to lose moderate Democrat voters to an Independent candidate like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

That would only give an advantage to Donald Trump who will likely be the Republican nominee.

Trump wouldn’t have to fight for Democrat voters with Kennedy like Biden would.

With Kennedy’s impending run as an Independent, the Biden campaign team has yet another reason to be worried about the President’s chances to secure another 4 years in the Oval Office.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.