This state just made a massive ruling regarding it’s presidential ballot

robert f kennedy jr

Democrats are fighting hard to get the candidates they don’t like removed from ballots across America. The last thing they want is a fair fight.

And this state just made a massive ruling regarding its presidential ballot.

Colorado made headlines everywhere several weeks ago, after the state’s Supreme Court made a ruling that denied former President Donald Trump from appearing on the ballot this year.

The ruling was made after the justices on the court cited the insurrection clause of the 14th amendment and detailed how Trump allegedly participated in an insurrection on January 6, 2021.

Maine followed suit, as their Secretary of State Shenna Bellows made a similar ruling.

Now, Utah has made the news for a ballot update themselves.

According to requirements set by the state, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent candidate for president, has officially qualified for the state’s ballot.

Kennedy Jr. had to achieve at least 1,000 signatures by March 5, in order to qualify.

Utah is the first state in which he’s officially met the requirements to appear on the ballot.

Kennedy Jr. is a part of one of the biggest Democrat families in the nation.

His father, Robert F. Kennedy, was a former senator and U.S. Attorney General. His uncle was none other than President John F. Kennedy.

But despite being a part of a prominent family of Democrats, Kennedy Jr. decided to leave the party altogether last fall.

He’s been a major voice for the anti-vaccine crowd who rejected the COVID-19 vaccine when it was made available to the public.

That stance has lost him favor among more progressive Democrats who believe Kennedy Jr.’s rhetoric is dangerous.

But now both Democrats and Republicans are worried that his third-party run could play as a spoiler to their candidates come November.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden are expected to be the two candidates for the GOP and the Democrats.

And with both candidates holding a degree of unpopularity among voters, Kennedy Jr.’s independent run could be a factor in the election.

His ability to reach out to people in the middle could help him take away votes from both Biden and Trump.

But in order for him to do that, he has a long road ahead to meet the requirements set by the other 49 states to appear on their ballots.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.