A new Republican vice presidential candidate has emerged and it’s not who you’d expect

Byron Donalds

It’s still a little early to be talking about potential VPs on the 2024 Republican ticket. But this politician is more than willing to put their name out there.

And a new Republican vice presidential candidate has emerged and it’s not who you’d expect.

Since former President Donald Trump is so high in the Republican national primary polls, Republicans around the country are offering themselves to be his pick for a running mate.

U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) has hinted at running as Trump’s vice president back in August.

And now, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) is also saying he would consider being Donald Trump’s running mate.

Donalds ran for Speaker of the House a few weeks ago, but lost to Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA).

And when appearing on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures, Rep. Donalds was asked about other political opportunities now that he’s lost his bid to become speaker. Of this opportunity mentioned, was being Trump’s VP.

“With respect to being potentially on the ticket, that’s really up to the president,” Donalds told host Maria Bartiromo.

“I have no control over that. The only thing I’ll say is I just want to do whatever I can to get our country on track. That’s what I’ve always been committed to. So, no matter what the role is, it’s about getting our country back on track.”

Donalds’ non-denial to Bartiromo’s question has many to believe he is definitely open to the job.

Bartiromo also asked the Florida congressman about the black community’s support of Donald Trump.

“More and more black Americans say ‘we got to have Trump back,'” Donalds responded.

He also noted that the black community’s support for Trump is “growing.”

Donald Trump has been asked before about a possible VP selection and he’s mostly brushed those questions off.

Understandably the former president is keyed in on winning the primary election and doesn’t want to “think too much” about a future running mate at this time.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem (R) has been floated around as a possible candidate, with Trump adding that he likes “the concept” of picking a female VP.

He’s also said that Noem is “fantastic” and “a great governor.”

Whether or not that means she’s his top choice, is something that is yet to be determined.

And it sounds like Byron Donalds would at least like a shot at the role as Donald Trump’s vice president.

Stay tuned to The Federalist Wire.