MSNBC HQ is on fire after a total betrayal from a former ally


Democrats will sacrifice everything at the altar of their agenda. They don’t care if you’re friend or foe.

And MSNBC HQ is on fire after a total betrayal from a former ally.

While appearing on the left-leaning broadcaster, the director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) lambasted MSNBC for referring to Hamas terrorists as “fighters” and attempting to justify the unexpected attack against Israel that murdered more than 800 people over the weekend.

In an interview with MSNBC Monday morning, Jonathan Greenblatt expressed his dissatisfaction with the coverage of Saturday’s slaughter in Israel and its violent aftermath, stating that MSNBC and other media outlets were not accurately depicting his country’s predicament.

“I am angry with the world that allowed the dehumanization of Israelis and sanitized the view of Hamas,” Greenblatt said. “I love this show and network, but who’s writing the scripts?

“The people who did this are not fighters, they are not militants…They are terrorists,” he added.

“It is a barbarian who r-pes and brutalizes women, who kills children in front of their parents and then brings them over to Gaza.”

Greenblatt said the footage and photographs of Saturday’s violence demonstrated that the Jewish State had been subjected to a heinous atrocity committed by fanatics, comparing it to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the World War II atomic bomb explosion in Nagasaki, Japan.

Given Hamas’ terrible behavior, Greenblatt claimed that it was wrong for MSNBC and others to refer to it as “just another outbreak of violence between Israel and Palestine.”

“People who say, ‘This was an escalation, it was bound to happen,’ I am sorry, this was a massacre that was preplanned,” he said. “This was not destined to happen.”

The ALD director also chastised news outlets for their coverage of Israel’s counteroffensive, which came in response to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s vengeance threat.

“Please stop calling this a retaliation,” Greenblatt said. “This is a defensive measure against an organization that is committed to one thing: killing Jews.”

According to Gaza health officials, at least 300 Palestinians, including civilians, were killed in the counterattack, with another 2,200 injured.

As Israel continued to wage assault on the terrorist organization in Gaza, Greenblatt encouraged the world to focus on the victims’ voices in the Jewish State.

“Please talk to the Israeli mothers and fathers who have lost their children, Talk to the grandchildren whose grandparents were seized as hostages,” he said. “Guys, get the story right.”

The ADL called on the world on Saturday to assist Israel in its defense and counterattack against Hamas, whose militants also killed at least nine Americans and kidnapped more than 100 people over the weekend.

“Israel has the indisputable right to defend itself against the Iran-backed Hamas terror organization,” The group said in a statement.

“The missiles aimed at Israeli towns and the terrorists infiltrating villages are no less than war crimes as they target civilians.

“We call on responsible members of the international community to take concrete actions both in support of Israel and against those who support the Palestinian terrorists.”

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