Democrat “Catholics” like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi like to pretend they are faithful. Nothing could be further from the truth.
And these 30 “Catholic” Democrats in Congress made one disgusting statement.
Pro-abortion Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-CT, issued a “renewed statement of principles” defending the so-called “right” to abortion on the one-year anniversary of the Dobbs ruling.
The declaration was signed by about 30 self-identified Catholic Democrats, including former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA.
DeLauro, who was first elected to Congress in 1990 at the age of 80, tweeted the joint statement on Monday. She characterized herself in her tweet as a “Catholic—baptized, raised, and confirmed.”
I am a Catholic—baptized, raised, and confirmed.
The fundamental tenets of my faith compel me to defend a women’s right to access abortion.
I am proudly part of the faithful large majority of US Catholics who support legal protections for abortion access.
Read my statement ⬇️
— Rosa DeLauro (@rosadelauro) June 26, 2023
The long-serving representative said that her and her co-signatories’ fervent pro-abortion beliefs were “compelled” by the “fundamental tenets” of their faith.
DeLauro argued that the Dobbs ruling deprives women of their “right” to abortion, exacerbating a “ongoing reproductive healthcare crisis in this country.”
The Democrats’ statement read:
“Today, as Catholic Democrats serving in the House of Representatives, we are proud that we are part of the faithful pro-choice Catholic majority — 68 percent of whom supported the legal protections for abortion access enshrined in Roe and 63 percent of whom think abortion should be legal in all or most cases. Our faith unfailingly promotes the common good, prioritizes the dignity of every human being, and highlights the need to provide a collective safety net to our most vulnerable.
According to a Pew Research poll conducted in 2022, 56% of self-identified American Catholics believe abortion should be permitted in most or all instances, not the 63% or 68% claimed by DeLauro.
The same poll found 68% of Catholics who attend Mass weekly or more frequently agree that abortion should be outlawed in all or most situations.
Polling regularly demonstrates that whether or not Catholics perform their Sunday commitment has a substantial influence on their attitudes on abortion.
According to a Pew research conducted in 2022, 65% of Catholics who do not attend Mass on a weekly basis say abortion should be permitted in most or all instances.
The Catholic Church’s Catechism requires Catholics to attend Mass every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation – so, technically, the vast majority of Catholics who reject Church teaching are pro-abortion.
Also, this doesn’t even touch what the Catholic Church directly says about abortion.
The Code of Canon Law, the laws that govern the Church, states “A person who procures a completed abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.” That is, they are automatically cut off from communion with the Church without any official statement needed from the Vatican.
And the Catechism of Catholic Church is even more forceful (emphasis added):
Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law.
But that hasn’t stopped the Democrats in years past. DeLauro and almost 60 other self-identified Catholic Democrats delivered a similar message in the form of a letter to U.S. Catholic Bishops in June 2021.
“To pursue a blanket denial of the Holy Eucharist to certain elected officials would indeed grieve the Holy Spirit and deny the evolution of that individual, a Christian person who is never perfect, but living in the struggle to get there,” the letter stated.
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