This video will derail the Democrats’ corrupt schemes to convict Trump

alvin bragg

The Democrats have been exposed. And they never could’ve seen it coming.

Because this video will derail the Democrats’ corrupt schemes to convict Trump.

A ton of attention is on the Trump indictment case being played out right now, especially now that the case has officially kicked off.

But something from the Manhattan DA’s past is coming back to haunt the Democrats right as their schemes to throw Trump in prison have been set in motion.

It could be the undoing of all their plans entirely.

Back on January 21, 2022, a police officer at the young age of 22-years old was sadly shot and killed while he responding to an emergency in Manhattan.

That young man, Jason Rivera, had a wife who was left to deal with the immense pain of losing her husband at such a young age and in such a horrible tragedy.

His wife, Dominique Luzuriaga, bravely provided a eulogy just a week later on January 28, 2022.

During her eulogy, she took time to stand up to the corrupt Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who had just taken office three weeks prior to Rivera’s tragic passing.

Dominique called out the Democrats at large saying that the “system continues to fail” the officers in blue, and she lamented the fact that officers are not safe anymore.

“The system continues to fail us,” Luzuriaga said. “We are not safe anymore, not even the members of the service.”

She then turned her attention to the new DA Alvin Bragg, saying to her late husband that she knows he was “tired of these laws, especially the ones from the new DA.”

Then she grew the most incredible courage you will ever see to say that she hopes that Alvin Bragg was watching her late husband speak through her at the eulogy.

“I hope he’s watching you speak through me right now,” she said.

The entire congregation at the St. Patrick’s cathedral stood for a loud ovation in support of Dominique and in criticism of the corrupt DA Alvin Bragg.

It was the most powerful moment of the eulogy, for sure.

She then added that all of the “blue family” is tired of the laws and that she would love him until “the end of time.”

“I am sure all of our blue family is tired, too,” she added. “But I promise — we promise — that your death won’t be in vain. I love you to the end of time. We’ll take the watch from here.”

Watch the whole video right here:

One of the laws that Dominique was talking about includes a memo that Bragg sent to his associate DAs to downgrade felony charges to misdemeanors for some criminals.

It’s hard to ignore just how corrupt Alvin Bragg is, and this video is a powerful testimony to how damaging Bragg is to his community.

He’s only after Trump to get credit with the radical Left for being the one responsible for throwing Trump in prison and helping them in the 2024 election.

For Dominique’s justice, Bragg should be the one that rots in prison.

Stay tuned to the Federalist Wire.